Uses of Class

Packages that use ClassGen
org.apache.bcel.generic This package contains the "generic" part of the Byte Code Engineering Library, i.e., classes to dynamically modify class objects and byte code instructions. 

Uses of ClassGen in org.apache.bcel.generic

Fields in org.apache.bcel.generic declared as ClassGen
protected  ClassGen

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic that return ClassGen
 ClassGen InstructionFactory.getClassGen()

Methods in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type ClassGen
 void ClassObserver.notify(ClassGen clazz)
 void InstructionFactory.setClassGen(ClassGen c)

Constructors in org.apache.bcel.generic with parameters of type ClassGen
InstructionFactory(ClassGen cg)
          Initialize with ClassGen object
InstructionFactory(ClassGen cg, ConstantPoolGen cp)

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