Release History

5.2 4. June 2006overdue bugfix release
5.1 25. April 2003first release on jakarta

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Release 5.2 - 4. June 2006

update Deprecated: public final org.apache.bcel.classfile.LocalVariable getLocalVariable(int) tcurdt
update Deprecated: public java.lang.String getClassName(org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen) tcurdt
update Deprecated: public org.apache.bcel.generic.ObjectType getClassType(org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen) tcurdt
update Deprecated: public boolean referencesClass() tcurdt
update Deprecated: public boolean referencesInterface() tcurdt
update Deprecated: public org.apache.bcel.util.ClassVector implements tcurdt
fix Examples with enum breaks Gump (JDK1.5) Fixes 32664. tcurdt
fix Truncated "class" string in returned class name Fixes 32901. tcurdt
fix Simple Javadoc cleanup Fixes 32980. tcurdt
fix InnerClass doesn't implement Serializable Fixes 34449. tcurdt
fix Unable to generate method that returns an array of integers Fixes 35991. tcurdt
fix A bug in LocalVariableGen Fixes 36110. tcurdt
fix JasminVisitor is outdated Fixes 37648. tcurdt
fix BCEL depends on AWT Fixes 37666. tcurdt
fix BCEL cannot be used as java.system.class.loader Fixes 38377. tcurdt
fix nullpointer exception in InstructionHandle Fixes 38834. tcurdt
fix Typo in javadocs Fixes 12568. tcurdt
fix ConstantPoolGen.lookupClass(String) finds LAST entry rath... Fixes 18031. tcurdt
fix Size of LDC_W's operand can be incorrect Fixes 18323. tcurdt
fix InstructionList.copy() fails with Select instruction. Fixes 18731. tcurdt
fix annoying print statement in org.apache.bcel.classfile.Sig... Fixes 19014. tcurdt
fix JavaClass.getAllInterfaces() can throw NullPointerExcepti... Fixes 19068. tcurdt
fix Repository ignores classes that have been added to it Fixes 19122. tcurdt
fix ANEWARRAY does not implement StackConsumer Fixes 19352. tcurdt
fix Repository.instanceOf() can throw NullPointerException Fixes 19476. tcurdt
fix StackMapType.printIndex fails if index is -1 Fixes 19784. tcurdt
fix ReturnaddressType.equals() fails with NullPointerException Fixes 24274. tcurdt
fix Verification failure when nested finally blocks Fixes 24315. tcurdt
fix PUTFIELD error msg wrong Fixes 24350. tcurdt
fix Suggestion to solve the Problem with generic.Instruction ... Fixes 24766. tcurdt
fix Incorrect verification of class files Fixes 26049. tcurdt
fix OutOfRange exception in Pass2Verifier.validJavaIdentifier Fixes 26087. tcurdt
fix Code attribute set for native (and abstract?) methods. Fixes 26179. tcurdt
fix InstructionList.move is broken when target == il.getEnd() Fixes 26532. tcurdt
fix bad iinc behavior with large local variable index Fixes 26533. tcurdt
fix StructuralVerifier can't find protected fields of ... Fixes 27855. tcurdt
fix BCEL does not compile with JDK 1.5.0-beta-b32c Fixes 28329. tcurdt
fix Corrupted instruction list created on valid class file Fixes 29275. tcurdt
fix LDC_W emits output with only one parameter byte Fixes 29903. tcurdt
fix Build problems against jdk1.5 Fixes 31604. tcurdt
fix ClassPath.getClassPath() does not handle multiple java.ex... Fixes 31630. tcurdt
fix Public modifier for OperandStack.size() Fixes 27646. tcurdt
fix Version information missing from MANIFEST.MF file. Fixes 17753. tcurdt
fix Wrong word in manual: use 'factorial', not 'faculty' Fixes 33822. tcurdt
fix A security issue with public mutable static fields in BECL Fixes 32205. tcurdt
fix Unnecessary string object allocation in ConstantPoolGen Fixes 33513. tcurdt
fix ClassCastException on justice Fixes 34418. tcurdt
fix XSLT transforms broken in Turkish Locale. Fixes 38787. tcurdt
fix Branch target offset too large for short Fixes 35405. tcurdt
fix "Illegal Opcode Detected" exception thrown in "new Method... Fixes 33235. tcurdt
fix Source downloads are broken Fixes 35610. tcurdt
fix LineNumberTable toString method uses jdk 1.4 StringBuffer... Fixes 38424. tcurdt
add LocalVariableTable.getLocalVariable isn't good en... Fixes 32077. tcurdt
add Verifer does not report the signature of methods not found Fixes 20465. tcurdt
add Allow to get the InFrame of the ControlFlowGraph Fixes 27854. tcurdt
add Add support for new Jdk5.0 access flags Fixes 33302. tcurdt
add Wrap JavaClass repository class (map values) with... Fixes 32945. tcurdt