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1   /*
2    * Copyright  2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
3    *
4    *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
5    *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *  limitations under the License. 
15   *
16   */
17  package org.apache.bcel.generic;
19  import org.apache.bcel.Constants;
21  /*** 
22   * This interface contains shareable instruction objects.
23   *
24   * In order to save memory you can use some instructions multiply,
25   * since they have an immutable state and are directly derived from
26   * Instruction.  I.e. they have no instance fields that could be
27   * changed. Since some of these instructions like ICONST_0 occur
28   * very frequently this can save a lot of time and space. This
29   * feature is an adaptation of the FlyWeight design pattern, we
30   * just use an array instead of a factory.
31   *
32   * The Instructions can also accessed directly under their names, so
33   * it's possible to write il.append(Instruction.ICONST_0);
34   *
35   * @version $Id: 386056 2006-03-15 11:31:56Z tcurdt $
36   * @author  <A HREF="">M. Dahm</A>
37   */
38  public interface InstructionConstants {
40      /*** Predefined instruction objects
41       */
42      public static final Instruction NOP = new NOP();
43      public static final Instruction ACONST_NULL = new ACONST_NULL();
44      public static final Instruction ICONST_M1 = new ICONST(-1);
45      public static final Instruction ICONST_0 = new ICONST(0);
46      public static final Instruction ICONST_1 = new ICONST(1);
47      public static final Instruction ICONST_2 = new ICONST(2);
48      public static final Instruction ICONST_3 = new ICONST(3);
49      public static final Instruction ICONST_4 = new ICONST(4);
50      public static final Instruction ICONST_5 = new ICONST(5);
51      public static final Instruction LCONST_0 = new LCONST(0);
52      public static final Instruction LCONST_1 = new LCONST(1);
53      public static final Instruction FCONST_0 = new FCONST(0);
54      public static final Instruction FCONST_1 = new FCONST(1);
55      public static final Instruction FCONST_2 = new FCONST(2);
56      public static final Instruction DCONST_0 = new DCONST(0);
57      public static final Instruction DCONST_1 = new DCONST(1);
58      public static final ArrayInstruction IALOAD = new IALOAD();
59      public static final ArrayInstruction LALOAD = new LALOAD();
60      public static final ArrayInstruction FALOAD = new FALOAD();
61      public static final ArrayInstruction DALOAD = new DALOAD();
62      public static final ArrayInstruction AALOAD = new AALOAD();
63      public static final ArrayInstruction BALOAD = new BALOAD();
64      public static final ArrayInstruction CALOAD = new CALOAD();
65      public static final ArrayInstruction SALOAD = new SALOAD();
66      public static final ArrayInstruction IASTORE = new IASTORE();
67      public static final ArrayInstruction LASTORE = new LASTORE();
68      public static final ArrayInstruction FASTORE = new FASTORE();
69      public static final ArrayInstruction DASTORE = new DASTORE();
70      public static final ArrayInstruction AASTORE = new AASTORE();
71      public static final ArrayInstruction BASTORE = new BASTORE();
72      public static final ArrayInstruction CASTORE = new CASTORE();
73      public static final ArrayInstruction SASTORE = new SASTORE();
74      public static final StackInstruction POP = new POP();
75      public static final StackInstruction POP2 = new POP2();
76      public static final StackInstruction DUP = new DUP();
77      public static final StackInstruction DUP_X1 = new DUP_X1();
78      public static final StackInstruction DUP_X2 = new DUP_X2();
79      public static final StackInstruction DUP2 = new DUP2();
80      public static final StackInstruction DUP2_X1 = new DUP2_X1();
81      public static final StackInstruction DUP2_X2 = new DUP2_X2();
82      public static final StackInstruction SWAP = new SWAP();
83      public static final ArithmeticInstruction IADD = new IADD();
84      public static final ArithmeticInstruction LADD = new LADD();
85      public static final ArithmeticInstruction FADD = new FADD();
86      public static final ArithmeticInstruction DADD = new DADD();
87      public static final ArithmeticInstruction ISUB = new ISUB();
88      public static final ArithmeticInstruction LSUB = new LSUB();
89      public static final ArithmeticInstruction FSUB = new FSUB();
90      public static final ArithmeticInstruction DSUB = new DSUB();
91      public static final ArithmeticInstruction IMUL = new IMUL();
92      public static final ArithmeticInstruction LMUL = new LMUL();
93      public static final ArithmeticInstruction FMUL = new FMUL();
94      public static final ArithmeticInstruction DMUL = new DMUL();
95      public static final ArithmeticInstruction IDIV = new IDIV();
96      public static final ArithmeticInstruction LDIV = new LDIV();
97      public static final ArithmeticInstruction FDIV = new FDIV();
98      public static final ArithmeticInstruction DDIV = new DDIV();
99      public static final ArithmeticInstruction IREM = new IREM();
100     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LREM = new LREM();
101     public static final ArithmeticInstruction FREM = new FREM();
102     public static final ArithmeticInstruction DREM = new DREM();
103     public static final ArithmeticInstruction INEG = new INEG();
104     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LNEG = new LNEG();
105     public static final ArithmeticInstruction FNEG = new FNEG();
106     public static final ArithmeticInstruction DNEG = new DNEG();
107     public static final ArithmeticInstruction ISHL = new ISHL();
108     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LSHL = new LSHL();
109     public static final ArithmeticInstruction ISHR = new ISHR();
110     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LSHR = new LSHR();
111     public static final ArithmeticInstruction IUSHR = new IUSHR();
112     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LUSHR = new LUSHR();
113     public static final ArithmeticInstruction IAND = new IAND();
114     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LAND = new LAND();
115     public static final ArithmeticInstruction IOR = new IOR();
116     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LOR = new LOR();
117     public static final ArithmeticInstruction IXOR = new IXOR();
118     public static final ArithmeticInstruction LXOR = new LXOR();
119     public static final ConversionInstruction I2L = new I2L();
120     public static final ConversionInstruction I2F = new I2F();
121     public static final ConversionInstruction I2D = new I2D();
122     public static final ConversionInstruction L2I = new L2I();
123     public static final ConversionInstruction L2F = new L2F();
124     public static final ConversionInstruction L2D = new L2D();
125     public static final ConversionInstruction F2I = new F2I();
126     public static final ConversionInstruction F2L = new F2L();
127     public static final ConversionInstruction F2D = new F2D();
128     public static final ConversionInstruction D2I = new D2I();
129     public static final ConversionInstruction D2L = new D2L();
130     public static final ConversionInstruction D2F = new D2F();
131     public static final ConversionInstruction I2B = new I2B();
132     public static final ConversionInstruction I2C = new I2C();
133     public static final ConversionInstruction I2S = new I2S();
134     public static final Instruction LCMP = new LCMP();
135     public static final Instruction FCMPL = new FCMPL();
136     public static final Instruction FCMPG = new FCMPG();
137     public static final Instruction DCMPL = new DCMPL();
138     public static final Instruction DCMPG = new DCMPG();
139     public static final ReturnInstruction IRETURN = new IRETURN();
140     public static final ReturnInstruction LRETURN = new LRETURN();
141     public static final ReturnInstruction FRETURN = new FRETURN();
142     public static final ReturnInstruction DRETURN = new DRETURN();
143     public static final ReturnInstruction ARETURN = new ARETURN();
144     public static final ReturnInstruction RETURN = new RETURN();
145     public static final Instruction ARRAYLENGTH = new ARRAYLENGTH();
146     public static final Instruction ATHROW = new ATHROW();
147     public static final Instruction MONITORENTER = new MONITORENTER();
148     public static final Instruction MONITOREXIT = new MONITOREXIT();
149     /*** You can use these constants in multiple places safely, if you can guarantee
150      * that you will never alter their internal values, e.g. call setIndex().
151      */
152     public static final LocalVariableInstruction THIS = new ALOAD(0);
153     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ALOAD_0 = THIS;
154     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ALOAD_1 = new ALOAD(1);
155     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ALOAD_2 = new ALOAD(2);
156     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ILOAD_0 = new ILOAD(0);
157     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ILOAD_1 = new ILOAD(1);
158     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ILOAD_2 = new ILOAD(2);
159     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ASTORE_0 = new ASTORE(0);
160     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ASTORE_1 = new ASTORE(1);
161     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ASTORE_2 = new ASTORE(2);
162     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ISTORE_0 = new ISTORE(0);
163     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ISTORE_1 = new ISTORE(1);
164     public static final LocalVariableInstruction ISTORE_2 = new ISTORE(2);
165     /*** Get object via its opcode, for immutable instructions like
166      * branch instructions entries are set to null.
167      */
168     public static final Instruction[] INSTRUCTIONS = new Instruction[256];
169     /*** Interfaces may have no static initializers, so we simulate this
170      * with an inner class.
171      */
172     static final Clinit bla = new Clinit();
174     static class Clinit {
176         Clinit() {
177             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.NOP] = NOP;
178             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ACONST_NULL] = ACONST_NULL;
179             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_M1] = ICONST_M1;
180             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_0] = ICONST_0;
181             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_1] = ICONST_1;
182             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_2] = ICONST_2;
183             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_3] = ICONST_3;
184             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_4] = ICONST_4;
185             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ICONST_5] = ICONST_5;
186             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LCONST_0] = LCONST_0;
187             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LCONST_1] = LCONST_1;
188             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FCONST_0] = FCONST_0;
189             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FCONST_1] = FCONST_1;
190             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FCONST_2] = FCONST_2;
191             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DCONST_0] = DCONST_0;
192             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DCONST_1] = DCONST_1;
193             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IALOAD] = IALOAD;
194             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LALOAD] = LALOAD;
195             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FALOAD] = FALOAD;
196             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DALOAD] = DALOAD;
197             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.AALOAD] = AALOAD;
198             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.BALOAD] = BALOAD;
199             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.CALOAD] = CALOAD;
200             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.SALOAD] = SALOAD;
201             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IASTORE] = IASTORE;
202             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LASTORE] = LASTORE;
203             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FASTORE] = FASTORE;
204             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DASTORE] = DASTORE;
205             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.AASTORE] = AASTORE;
206             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.BASTORE] = BASTORE;
207             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.CASTORE] = CASTORE;
208             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.SASTORE] = SASTORE;
209             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.POP] = POP;
210             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.POP2] = POP2;
211             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP] = DUP;
212             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP_X1] = DUP_X1;
213             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP_X2] = DUP_X2;
214             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP2] = DUP2;
215             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP2_X1] = DUP2_X1;
216             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DUP2_X2] = DUP2_X2;
217             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.SWAP] = SWAP;
218             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IADD] = IADD;
219             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LADD] = LADD;
220             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FADD] = FADD;
221             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DADD] = DADD;
222             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ISUB] = ISUB;
223             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LSUB] = LSUB;
224             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FSUB] = FSUB;
225             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DSUB] = DSUB;
226             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IMUL] = IMUL;
227             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LMUL] = LMUL;
228             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FMUL] = FMUL;
229             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DMUL] = DMUL;
230             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IDIV] = IDIV;
231             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LDIV] = LDIV;
232             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FDIV] = FDIV;
233             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DDIV] = DDIV;
234             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IREM] = IREM;
235             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LREM] = LREM;
236             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FREM] = FREM;
237             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DREM] = DREM;
238             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.INEG] = INEG;
239             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LNEG] = LNEG;
240             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FNEG] = FNEG;
241             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DNEG] = DNEG;
242             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ISHL] = ISHL;
243             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LSHL] = LSHL;
244             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ISHR] = ISHR;
245             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LSHR] = LSHR;
246             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IUSHR] = IUSHR;
247             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LUSHR] = LUSHR;
248             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IAND] = IAND;
249             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LAND] = LAND;
250             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IOR] = IOR;
251             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LOR] = LOR;
252             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IXOR] = IXOR;
253             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LXOR] = LXOR;
254             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2L] = I2L;
255             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2F] = I2F;
256             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2D] = I2D;
257             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.L2I] = L2I;
258             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.L2F] = L2F;
259             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.L2D] = L2D;
260             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.F2I] = F2I;
261             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.F2L] = F2L;
262             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.F2D] = F2D;
263             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.D2I] = D2I;
264             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.D2L] = D2L;
265             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.D2F] = D2F;
266             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2B] = I2B;
267             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2C] = I2C;
268             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.I2S] = I2S;
269             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LCMP] = LCMP;
270             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FCMPL] = FCMPL;
271             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FCMPG] = FCMPG;
272             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DCMPL] = DCMPL;
273             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DCMPG] = DCMPG;
274             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.IRETURN] = IRETURN;
275             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.LRETURN] = LRETURN;
276             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.FRETURN] = FRETURN;
277             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.DRETURN] = DRETURN;
278             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ARETURN] = ARETURN;
279             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.RETURN] = RETURN;
281             INSTRUCTIONS[Constants.ATHROW] = ATHROW;
284         }
285     }
286 }