Class TripleCache

  extended by com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.TripleCache

public class TripleCache
extends java.lang.Object

TripleCache caches triples according to their SPO members, to reduce store turnover at the expense of some added computation. The cache is implemented as an array indexed by the (reduced) hashCode of the triples it stores. Each slot is treated independantly and only the most recent stored triple is remembered - there is no weighting, LRU, or anything like that.


Field Summary
static int SIZE
          The size of the cache array.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Triple get(Node s, Node p, Node o)
          Answer any triple in the cache with subject s, predicate p, and object o, or null if no such triple exists.
 Triple put(Triple t)
          Cache the triple t by storing it in the slot with the its reduced hash.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static int SIZE
The size of the cache array. 1000 gets 80% hits when running the Jena test suite and all the slots get used. 10000 gets about 83% and *almost* all the slots get used. Absent real performance indicators, 1000 will do for now.

Constructor Detail


public TripleCache()
Method Detail


public Triple put(Triple t)
Cache the triple t by storing it in the slot with the its reduced hash. Any triple already in that slot vanishes. Answer that triple.


public Triple get(Node s,
                  Node p,
                  Node o)
Answer any triple in the cache with subject s, predicate p, and object o, or null if no such triple exists.

The implementation looks in the slot with the same reduced hashCode as the SPO combination would have. If the triple there has the same SPO, it is returned; otherwise null is returned.

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