Interface Expression

All Known Implementing Classes:
Dyadic, Expression.Application, Expression.Base, Expression.BoolConstant, Expression.Constant, Expression.Fixed, Expression.Variable, Rewrite.DyadicLiteral

public interface Expression

Expression - the interface for expressions that is expected by Query for constraints. An Expression can be evaluated (given a name->value mapping); it can be prepared into a Valuator (given a name->index mapping); and it can be analysed into its components.

An Expression can be a variable, an application, or a literal value. If an access method (eg getName) is applied to an Expression for which it is not appropriate (eg an application), the result is unspecified; an implementation is free to throw an exception, deliver a null result, deliver a misleading value, whatever is convenient.

The nested class Util provides some expression utility methods, including a generic version of prepare. The nested abstract class Base and its sub-classes Literal, Variable, and Application provide a framework for developers to implement Expressions over.


Nested Class Summary
static class Expression.Application
          An abstract base class for apply nodes; subclasses implement getFun(), argCount(), and getArg().
static class Expression.Base
          An abstract base class for Expressions; over-ride as appropriate.
static class Expression.BoolConstant
          Base class used to implement TRUE and FALSE.
static class Expression.Constant
          An abstract base class for literal nodes; subclasses implement getValue().
static class Expression.Fixed
          A concrete class for representing fixed constants; each instance can hold a separate value and its valuator returns that value.
static class Expression.Util
          Utility methods for Expressions, captured in a class because they can't be written directly in the interface.
static class Expression.Valof
          Valof provides an implementation of VariableValues which composes the "compile-time" VariableIndexes map with the "run-time" IndexValues map to produce a VariableValues map.
static class Expression.Variable
          An abstract base class for variable nodes; subclasses implement getName().
Field Summary
static Expression FALSE
          An Expression which always evaluates to false.
static Expression TRUE
          An Expression which always evaluates to true.
Method Summary
 int argCount()
          If this Expression is an application, answer the number of arguments that it has.
 Expression getArg(int i)
          If this Expression is an application, and 0 <= i < argCount(), answer the ith argument.
 java.lang.String getFun()
          If this Expression is an application, return the string identifying the function, which should be a URI.
 java.lang.String getName()
          If this Expression is a variable, answer a [non-null] String which is its name.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          If this Expression is a literal, answer the value of that literal.
 boolean isApply()
          Answer true iff this Expression represents the application of some function [or operator] to some arguments [or operands].
 boolean isConstant()
          Answer true iff this Expression represents a literal [Java object] value.
 boolean isVariable()
          Answer true iff this Expression represents a variable.
 Valuator prepare(VariableIndexes vi)
          Answer a Valuator which, when run with a set of index-to-value bindings, evaluates this expression in the light of the given variable-to-index bindings [ie as though the variables were bound to the corresponding values]

Field Detail


static final Expression TRUE
An Expression which always evaluates to true.


static final Expression FALSE
An Expression which always evaluates to false.

Method Detail


Valuator prepare(VariableIndexes vi)
Answer a Valuator which, when run with a set of index-to-value bindings, evaluates this expression in the light of the given variable-to-index bindings [ie as though the variables were bound to the corresponding values]


boolean isVariable()
Answer true iff this Expression represents a variable.


java.lang.String getName()
If this Expression is a variable, answer a [non-null] String which is its name. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.


boolean isConstant()
Answer true iff this Expression represents a literal [Java object] value.


java.lang.Object getValue()
If this Expression is a literal, answer the value of that literal. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.


boolean isApply()
Answer true iff this Expression represents the application of some function [or operator] to some arguments [or operands].


java.lang.String getFun()
If this Expression is an application, return the string identifying the function, which should be a URI. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.


int argCount()
If this Expression is an application, answer the number of arguments that it has. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.


Expression getArg(int i)
If this Expression is an application, and 0 <= i < argCount(), answer the ith argument. Otherwise the behaviour is unspecified.

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