Uses of Class

Packages that use StageElement
com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query Defines the graph-level Query classes, allowing multi-pattern query over arbitrary graphs. 

Uses of StageElement in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query

Subclasses of StageElement in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query
static class StageElement.FindTriples
          A FindTriples runs match-and-next over all the triples returned by its finder.
static class StageElement.PutBindings
          A PutBindings is created with a domain sink and, whenever it is run, puts a copy of the current domain down the sink.
static class StageElement.RunValuatorSet
          A RunValuatorSet is created with a ValuatorSet and a next StageElement; whenever it is run, it evaluates the ValuatorSet and only if that answers true does it run the next StageElement.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query with parameters of type StageElement
 void QueryTriple.SimpleApplyer.applyToTriples(Domain d, Matcher m, StageElement next)
abstract  void Applyer.applyToTriples(Domain d, Matcher m, StageElement next)

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.query with parameters of type StageElement
PatternStageBase.Work(Pipe source, Pipe sink, StageElement e)
StageElement.FindTriples(Stage stage, Matcher matcher, Applyer finder, StageElement next)
StageElement.RunValuatorSet(ValuatorSet s, StageElement next)

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