Uses of Class

Packages that use OntDocumentManager
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 

Uses of OntDocumentManager in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return OntDocumentManager
 OntDocumentManager OntModelSpec.getDocumentManager()
          Answer the document manager for this model specification.
 OntDocumentManager OntModel.getDocumentManager()
           Answer a reference to the document manager that this model is using to manage ontology <-> mappings, and to load the imports closure.
static OntDocumentManager OntDocumentManager.getInstance()
           OntDocumentManager is not a singleton, but a global default instance is available for applications where a single shared document manager is sufficient.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type OntDocumentManager
 void OntDocumentManager.ReadHook.afterRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
          Behaviour that is invoked just after the contents of the given source (URI or filename) have been read into the given model.
 void OntDocumentManager.DefaultReadHook.afterRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
 java.lang.String OntDocumentManager.ReadHook.beforeRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
          Behaviour that is invoked before the contents of the given source (URI or filename) are read into the given model.
 java.lang.String OntDocumentManager.DefaultReadHook.beforeRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
 void OntModelSpec.setDocumentManager(OntDocumentManager docMgr)
          Set the document manager in this specification

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type OntDocumentManager
OntModelSpec(ModelMaker baseMaker, ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr, ReasonerFactory rFactory, java.lang.String languageURI)
          Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.
OntModelSpec(ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr, ReasonerFactory rFactory, java.lang.String languageURI)
          Construct a new ontology model specification with the given specification parameters
OntModelSpec(java.lang.String baseModelName, ModelMaker baseMaker, ModelMaker importsMaker, OntDocumentManager docMgr, ReasonerFactory rFactory, java.lang.String languageURI)
          Construct a new ontology model specification from the supplied components.

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