Uses of Interface

Packages that use SomeValuesFromRestriction
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 

Uses of SomeValuesFromRestriction in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return SomeValuesFromRestriction
 SomeValuesFromRestriction Restriction.asSomeValuesFromRestriction()
          Answer a view of this restriction as a some values from expression
 SomeValuesFromRestriction Restriction.convertToSomeValuesFromRestriction(Resource cls)
          Convert this restriction to a some values from class expression
 SomeValuesFromRestriction OntModel.createSomeValuesFromRestriction(java.lang.String uri, Property prop, Resource cls)
          Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least one property with a value belonging to the given class
 SomeValuesFromRestriction OntModel.getSomeValuesFromRestriction(java.lang.String uri)
          Answer a class description defined as the class of those individuals that have at least one property with a value belonging to the given class.

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