Uses of Interface

Packages that use Model
com.hp.hpl.jena.db A general database backend for persistent storage of Jena models. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp A parser for RDF/XML
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners A package defining some useful implementations of ModelChangedListener, for listening to (a) all triples added or removed, exploding composite objects, (b) all objects added or removed, as themselves, (c) notification of additions/removals, but no details, and (d) accepting but ignoring all changes, as a base-class to be extended. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl This package contains implementations of the interfaces defined in the .model package, eg ModelCom for Model, ResourceImpl for Resource, and so on. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner The Jena2 reasoner subsystem is designed to allow a range of inference engines to be plugged into Jena. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys Provides a selection of simple rule engines for Jena inference models. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner This package contains a reasoner which supports transitive-reflexive closure of subPropertyOf and subClassOf relations. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.shared This package defines some classes common to the Jena API and SPI levels, in particular the JenaException class from which all Jena-specific exceptions hang, and the interface PrefixMapping for translation to and from QNames. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.util Miscellaneous collection of utility classes. 

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler that return Model
 Model Content.fill(Model m)
          Answer the model m after filling it with the contents described by this object.
static Model AssemblerHelp.fullModel(ImportManager im, Model m)
          Answer the full model of m, with all its imports included and with the necessary properties added from the JA schema.
static Model AssemblerHelp.fullModel(Model m)
          Answer the full model of m, with all its imports included and with the necessary properties added from the JA schema.
static Model JA.getSchema()
 Model Assembler.openModel(Resource root)
          Answer (Model) open( this, root, Mode.DEFAULT ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
 Model Assembler.openModel(Resource root, Mode mode)
          Answer (Model) open( this, root, mode ), unless the result cannot be or is not a Model, in which case throw an exception.
 Model ImportManager.withImports(FileManager fm, Model model)
          Answer model if it has no imports, or a union model with model as its base and its imported models as the other components.
 Model ImportManager.withImports(Model model)
          Answer model if it has no imports, or a union model with model as its base and its imported models as the other components.
static Model ModelExpansion.withSchema(Model model, Model schema)
          Answer a new model which is the aggregation of the statements of model the non-bnode subclass statements of schema the subclass closure of those statements the rdf:type statements implied by the rdfs:domain statements of schema and the model statements using that statements property similarly for rdfs:range the rdf:type statements implied by the subclass closure

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler with parameters of type Model
static void ModelExpansion.addSubClassClosure(Model m)
          Do (limited) subclass closure on m.
 Model Content.fill(Model m)
          Answer the model m after filling it with the contents described by this object.
static java.util.Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots(Model model)
          Answer a Set of the ja:Object resources in the full expansion of the assembler specification model model.
static java.util.Set<Resource> AssemblerHelp.findAssemblerRoots(Model model, Resource type)
          Answer a Set of the objects in the full expansion of the assembler specification model which have rdf:type type, which must be a subtype of ja:Object.
static Model AssemblerHelp.fullModel(ImportManager im, Model m)
          Answer the full model of m, with all its imports included and with the necessary properties added from the JA schema.
static Model AssemblerHelp.fullModel(Model m)
          Answer the full model of m, with all its imports included and with the necessary properties added from the JA schema.
static void AssemblerHelp.loadArbitraryClasses(com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler.assemblers.AssemblerGroup g, Model m)
          Load all the classes which are objects of any (t, ja:loadClass, S) statements in m.
static void AssemblerHelp.loadAssemblerClasses(com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler.assemblers.AssemblerGroup group, Model m)
          Load all the classes which are objects of any (t, ja:assembler, S) statements in m.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.singleModelRoot(Model singleRoot)
          Answer the single resource in singleRoot of type ja:Model.
static Resource AssemblerHelp.singleRoot(Model singleRoot, Resource type)
          Answer the single resource in singleRoot of type type.
 Model ImportManager.withImports(FileManager fm, Model model)
          Answer model if it has no imports, or a union model with model as its base and its imported models as the other components.
 Model ImportManager.withImports(Model model)
          Answer model if it has no imports, or a union model with model as its base and its imported models as the other components.
static Model ModelExpansion.withSchema(Model model, Model schema)
          Answer a new model which is the aggregation of the statements of model the non-bnode subclass statements of schema the subclass closure of those statements the rdf:type statements implied by the rdfs:domain statements of schema and the model statements using that statements property similarly for rdfs:range the rdf:type statements implied by the subclass closure

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.db

Classes in com.hp.hpl.jena.db that implement Model
 class ModelRDB
          A persistent relational database implemention of the RDF API.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.db that return Model
 Model IDBConnection.getDatabaseProperties()
          Returns a Jena Model containing database properties.
 Model DBConnection.getDatabaseProperties()
 Model IDBConnection.getDefaultModelProperties()
          Retrieve a default set of model customization properties.
 Model DBConnection.getDefaultModelProperties()
static Model ModelRDB.getDefaultModelProperties(IDBConnection dbcon)
          Retrieve a default set of model customization properties The returned default set of properties is suitable for use in a call to ModelRDB.create(..., modelProperties);
 Model ModelRDB.getModelProperties()
          Returns a Jena Model containing model-specific properties.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.db with parameters of type Model
static ModelRDB ModelRDB.createModel(IDBConnection dbcon, Model modelProperties)
          Create a new model on an existing database.
static ModelRDB ModelRDB.createModel(IDBConnection dbcon, java.lang.String name, Model modelProperties)
          Create a new model on an existing database.
 void IDBConnection.setDatabaseProperties(Model propertyModel)
          Sets database-specific properties.
 void DBConnection.setDatabaseProperties(Model dbProperties)

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Subinterfaces of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology
 interface OntModel
           An enhanced view of a Jena model that is known to contain ontology data, under a given ontology vocabulary (such as OWL).

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return Model
 Model OntModelSpec.createBaseModel()
          Answer a base model constructed according to this specification.
 Model OntModelSpec.doCreateModel()
          Create an OntModel according to this model specification.
 Model OntModel.getBaseModel()
           Answer the base model of this model.
 Model OntDocumentManager.getModel(java.lang.String uri)
           Answer the cached model corresponding to the given document, if known.
 Model OntModelSpec.implementCreateModelOver(java.lang.String name)
          Create an OntModel according to this model specification.
 Model OntModel.write( out)
          Write a serialization of this model as an XML document.
 Model OntModel.write( out, java.lang.String lang)
          Write a serialized representation of this model in a specified language.
 Model OntModel.write( out, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized representation of a model in a specified language.
 Model OntModel.write( writer)
          Write the model as an XML document.
 Model OntModel.write( writer, java.lang.String lang)
          Write a serialized representation of a model in a specified language.
 Model OntModel.write( writer, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized representation of a model in a specified language.
 Model OntModel.writeAll( out, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized representation of all of the contents of the model, including inferred statements and statements imported from other documents.
 Model OntModel.writeAll( writer, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized representation of all of the contents of the model, including inferred statements and statements imported from other documents.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Model
 void OntDocumentManager.addModel(java.lang.String docURI, Model model)
           Add an entry that model is the appropriate model to use for the given ontology document.
 void OntDocumentManager.addModel(java.lang.String docURI, Model model, boolean replace)
           Add an entry that model is the appropriate model to use for the given ontology document
 void OntModel.addSubModel(Model model)
           Add the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
 void OntModel.addSubModel(Model model, boolean rebind)
           Add the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
 void OntDocumentManager.ReadHook.afterRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
          Behaviour that is invoked just after the contents of the given source (URI or filename) have been read into the given model.
 void OntDocumentManager.DefaultReadHook.afterRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
static OntModelSpec OntModelSpec.assemble(Model model)
          Answer the OntModelSpec described using the Jena Assembler vocabulary properties of the single resource in model of type JA:OntModelSpec.
 java.lang.String OntDocumentManager.ReadHook.beforeRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
          Behaviour that is invoked before the contents of the given source (URI or filename) are read into the given model.
 java.lang.String OntDocumentManager.DefaultReadHook.beforeRead(Model model, java.lang.String source, OntDocumentManager odm)
 void OntDocumentManager.configure(Model config)
          Configure this document manager using the given configuration information, after first resetting the model back to all default values.
 void OntDocumentManager.configure(Model config, boolean reset)
          Configure this document manager according to the configuration options supplied by the given configuration model.
static OntTools.Path OntTools.findShortestPath(Model m, Resource start, RDFNode end, com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.Filter<Statement> onPath)
          Answer the shortest path from the start resource to the end RDF node, such that every step on the path is accepted by the given filter.
 void OntDocumentManager.ReadFailureHandler.handleFailedRead(java.lang.String url, Model model, java.lang.Exception e)
          Behaviour to invoke when the OntDocumentManager tries and fails to read an ontology document from a given URL.
 void OntModel.removeSubModel(Model model)
           Remove the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.
 void OntModel.removeSubModel(Model model, boolean rebind)
           Remove the given model as one of the sub-models of the enclosed ontology union model.

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type Model
OntDocumentManager(FileManager fileMgr, Model config)
          Initialise a document manager with the given configuration model.
OntDocumentManager(Model config)
          Initialise a document manager with the given configuration model.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.arp with parameters of type Model
static SAX2Model SAX2Model.create(java.lang.String base, Model m)
          Factory method to create a new SAX2Model.
static SAX2Model SAX2Model.create(java.lang.String base, Model m, java.lang.String lang)
          Factory method to create a new SAX2Model.
static DOM2Model DOM2Model.createD2M(java.lang.String base, Model m)
          Create a new DOM2Model.
static DOM2Model DOM2Model.createD2M(java.lang.String base, Model m, java.lang.String lang)
          Create a new DOM2Model.
 void m, in, java.lang.String xmlBase)
          Reads from inputStream, using base URI xmlbase, adding triples to model.
 void m, reader, java.lang.String xmlBase)
          Reads from reader, using base URI xmlbase, adding triples to model.
 void m, java.lang.String url)
          Reads from url, using url as base, adding triples to model.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.listeners with parameters of type Model
 void StatementListener.addedStatements(Model m)
 void ObjectListener.addedStatements(Model m)
 void NullListener.addedStatements(Model m)
 void ChangedListener.addedStatements(Model m)
 void StatementListener.notifyEvent(Model m, java.lang.Object event)
 void ObjectListener.notifyEvent(Model m, java.lang.Object event)
 void NullListener.notifyEvent(Model m, java.lang.Object event)
 void ChangedListener.notifyEvent(Model m, java.lang.Object event)
 void StatementListener.removedStatements(Model m)
 void ObjectListener.removedStatements(Model m)
 void NullListener.removedStatements(Model m)
 void ChangedListener.removedStatements(Model m)

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Subinterfaces of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model
 interface InfModel
          An extension to the normal Model interface that supports access to any underlying inference capability.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return Model
 Model Model.abort()
          Abort the current transaction and abandon any changes in progress.
 Model Model.add(java.util.List<Statement> statements)
          add all the statements in the List to this Model, going through the bulk update interface (which means turning them into triples in one form or another).
 Model Model.add(Model m)
          Add all the statements in another model to this model, including the reified statements.
 Model Model.add(Model m, boolean suppressReifications)
          Add all the statements of the given model m to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, java.lang.String o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, java.lang.String o, boolean wellFormed)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, java.lang.String lex, RDFDatatype datatype)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.add(Resource s, Property p, java.lang.String o, java.lang.String l)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model Model.add(Statement s)
          Add a statement to this model.
 Model Model.add(Statement[] statements)
          Add all the statements to the Model, using through the bulk update interface.
 Model Model.add(StmtIterator iter)
          Add all the statements returned by an iterator to this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, boolean o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, char o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, double o)
          Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, float o)
          Add the statement (s, p, o') to the model, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, int o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, Literal o)
          add a statement to this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, long o)
          Add the statement (s, p, createTypedLiteral( o )) to this model and answer this model.
 Model ModelCon.addLiteral(Resource s, Property p, java.lang.Object o)
          Deprecated. Freshly (should have been done a while ago)
static Model ModelFactory.assembleModelFrom(Model singleRoot)
          Answer a Model constructed from the single resource in singleRoot of type ja:Model.
static Model ModelFactory.assembleModelFrom(Resource root)
          Answer a Model as described the the Assembler specification rooted at the Resource root in its Model.
 Model Model.begin()
          Begin a new transation.
 Model Model.commit()
          Commit the current transaction.
 Model ModelSource.createDefaultModel()
          Answer this ModelSource's default model.
static Model ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()
          Answer a fresh Model with the default specification and Standard reification style [reification triples contribute to ReifiedStatements, and are visible to listStatements, etc].
static Model ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(ReificationStyle style)
          Answer a new memory-based model with the given reification style
 Model ModelSource.createFreshModel()
          Answer a Model that satisfies this ModelSource's shape.
 Model ModelMaker.createModel(java.lang.String name)
          Create a Model with the given name if no such model exists.
 Model ModelMaker.createModel(java.lang.String name, boolean strict)
          Create a new Model associated with the given name.
static Model ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(Graph g)
          Answer a model that encapsulates the given graph.
static Model ModelFactory.createNonreifyingModel()
          construct a new memory-based model that does not capture reification triples (but still handles reifyAs() and .as(ReifiedStatement).
static Model ModelFactory.createUnion(Model m1, Model m2)
          Answer a new model that is the dynamic union of two other models.
 Model Model.difference(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements in this model which are not in another.
 Model ModelExtract.extract(Resource r, Model s)
          Answer the rooted sub-model.
 Model ModelExtract.extractInto(Model model, Resource r, Model s)
          Answer model after updating it with the sub-graph of s rooted at r, bounded by this instances boundary.
 Model InfModel.getDeductionsModel()
          Returns a derivations model.
 Model Statement.getModel()
          get the Model this Statement was created in.
 Model RDFNode.getModel()
          Return the model associated with this resource.
 Model ModelGetter.getModel(java.lang.String URL)
          Answer a Model whose content is that associated with the URL, if possible, and otherwise answer null.
 Model ModelGetter.getModel(java.lang.String URL, ModelReader loadIfAbsent)
          Answer a model appropriate for URL, If none is to hand, and it's possible to create one, create it and load it using loadIfAbsent.
 Model InfModel.getRawModel()
          Return the raw RDF model being processed (i.e.
 Model Model.intersection(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements which are in both this model and another.
 Model Model.notifyEvent(java.lang.Object e)
          Notify any listeners that the event e has occurred.
 Model ModelSource.openModel(java.lang.String name)
          Answer a model.
 Model ModelMaker.openModel(java.lang.String name, boolean strict)
          Find an existing Model that this factory knows about under the given name.
 Model ModelSource.openModelIfPresent(java.lang.String string)
          Answer the model named by string in this ModelSource, if it [still] has one, or null if there isn't one.
 Model Model.query(Selector s)
          Create a new model containing the statements matching a query.
 Model in, java.lang.String base)
          Add statements from an RDF/XML serialization.
 Model in, java.lang.String base, java.lang.String lang)
          Add RDF statements represented in language lang to the model.
 Model reader, java.lang.String base)
          Using this method is often a mistake.
 Model reader, java.lang.String base, java.lang.String lang)
          Using this method is often a mistake.
 Model url)
          Add the RDF statements from an XML document.
 Model url, java.lang.String lang)
          Add statements from a serializion in language lang to the model.
 Model url, java.lang.String base, java.lang.String lang)
          Read into this model the RDF at url, using baseURI as the base URI if it is non-null.
 Model ModelReader.readModel(Model toRead, java.lang.String URL)
          Read the contents of URL into toRead and answer toRead,
 Model Model.register(ModelChangedListener listener)
          Register a listener for model-changed events on this model.
 Model Model.remove(java.util.List<Statement> statements)
          Remove all the statements in the list from this model, using the bulk update interface.
 Model ModelCon.remove(Model m)
          Remove all the Statements in a given model, including reified statements
 Model ModelCon.remove(Model m, boolean suppressReifications)
          Remove from this model all the statements found in the given model.
 Model ModelCon.remove(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)
          remove the statement (s, p, o) from this model and answer this model.
 Model Model.remove(Statement s)
          Removes a statement.
 Model Model.remove(Statement[] statements)
          Remove all the statements from the Model, using the bulk update interface.
 Model ModelCon.remove(StmtIterator iter)
          Remove all the Statements returned by an iterator.
 Model Model.removeAll()
          Remove all the statements from this model.
 Model Model.removeAll(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode r)
          Remove all the statements matching (s, p, o) from this model.
 Model Model.union(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements in this model together with all of those in another given model.
 Model Model.unregister(ModelChangedListener listener)
          Unregister a listener from model-changed events on this model.
static Model ModelFactory.withHiddenStatements(Model m)
          Answer a read-only Model with all the statements of this Model and any statements "hidden" by reification.
 Model Model.write( out)
          Write a serialization of this model as an XML document.
 Model Model.write( out, java.lang.String lang)
          Write a serialized represention of this model in a specified language.
 Model Model.write( out, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized represention of a model in a specified language.
 Model Model.write( writer)
          Write the model as an XML document.
 Model Model.write( writer, java.lang.String lang)
          Write a serialized represention of a model in a specified language.
 Model Model.write( writer, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String base)
          Write a serialized represention of a model in a specified language.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type Model
 Model Model.add(Model m)
          Add all the statements in another model to this model, including the reified statements.
 Model Model.add(Model m, boolean suppressReifications)
          Add all the statements of the given model m to this model.
 void ModelChangedListener.addedStatements(Model m)
          Method to call when a model has been used to define the statements to be added to our attached model.
static Model ModelFactory.assembleModelFrom(Model singleRoot)
          Answer a Model constructed from the single resource in singleRoot of type ja:Model.
 TripleBoundary StatementTripleBoundary.asTripleBoundary(Model ignored)
          Answer the supplied-to-constructor TripleBoundary.
 TripleBoundary StatementBoundaryBase.asTripleBoundary(Model m)
          Expresses this StatementBoundary as a TripleBoundary.
 TripleBoundary StatementBoundary.asTripleBoundary(Model m)
          Answer a TripleBoundary corresponding to this StatementBoundary, where Triples may be converted to Statements using m.
 boolean Model.containsAll(Model model)
          Determine if all of the statements in a model are also contained in this model.
 boolean Model.containsAny(Model model)
          Determine if any of the statements in a model are also contained in this model.
static TripleBoundary StatementBoundaryBase.convert(Model s, StatementBoundary b)
          Answer a TripleBoundary that is implemented in terms of a StatementBoundary.
static InfModel ModelFactory.createInfModel(Reasoner reasoner, Model model)
          Build an inferred model by attaching the given RDF model to the given reasoner.
static InfModel ModelFactory.createInfModel(Reasoner reasoner, Model schema, Model model)
          Build an inferred model by attaching the given RDF model to the given reasoner.
static OntModel ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec spec, Model base)
           Answer a new ontology model, constructed according to the given ontology model specification, and starting with the ontology data in the given model.
static OntModel ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec spec, ModelMaker maker, Model base)
           Answer a new ontology model which will process in-memory models of ontologies expressed the default ontology language (OWL).
static InfModel ModelFactory.createRDFSModel(Model model)
          Return a Model through which all the RDFS entailments derivable from the given model are accessible.
static InfModel ModelFactory.createRDFSModel(Model schema, Model model)
          Return a Model through which all the RDFS entailments derivable from the given data and schema models are accessible.
static Model ModelFactory.createUnion(Model m1, Model m2)
          Answer a new model that is the dynamic union of two other models.
 Model Model.difference(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements in this model which are not in another.
 Model ModelExtract.extract(Resource r, Model s)
          Answer the rooted sub-model.
 Model ModelExtract.extractInto(Model model, Resource r, Model s)
          Answer model after updating it with the sub-graph of s rooted at r, bounded by this instances boundary.
static java.util.Set<Resource> ModelFactory.findAssemblerRoots(Model m)
          Answer a Set of resources present in m that are explicitly or implicitly of type ja:Object, ie, suitable as roots for assemblerModelFrom.
 Resource Resource.inModel(Model m)
          Override RDFNode.inModel() to produce a staticly-typed Resource in the given Model.
 RDFNode RDFNode.inModel(Model m)
          Answer a .equals() version of this node, except that it's in the model m.
 Property Property.inModel(Model m)
          Override RDFNode.inModel() to produce a staticly-typed Property in the given Model.
 Literal Literal.inModel(Model m)
          Answer a version of this literal in the model m.
 Model Model.intersection(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements which are in both this model and another.
 boolean Model.isIsomorphicWith(Model g)
          Compare this Model with another for equality ignoring the labels on bNodes.
 StmtIterator InfModel.listStatements(Resource subject, Property predicate, RDFNode object, Model posit)
          Find all the statements matching a pattern.
 void ModelChangedListener.notifyEvent(Model m, java.lang.Object event)
 void model, r, java.lang.String base)
          Read serialized RDF from an InputStream and add the statements to a Model.
 void model, r, java.lang.String base)
          It is usually a mistake to use this method.
 void model, java.lang.String url)
          Read serialized RDF from a url and add the statements to a model.
 Model ModelReader.readModel(Model toRead, java.lang.String URL)
          Read the contents of URL into toRead and answer toRead,
 Model ModelCon.remove(Model m)
          Remove all the Statements in a given model, including reified statements
 Model ModelCon.remove(Model m, boolean suppressReifications)
          Remove from this model all the statements found in the given model.
 void ModelChangedListener.removedStatements(Model m)
          Method to call when a model has been used to remove statements from our attached model.
 Model Model.union(Model model)
          Create a new, independant, model containing all the statements in this model together with all of those in another given model.
static Model ModelFactory.withHiddenStatements(Model m)
          Answer a read-only Model with all the statements of this Model and any statements "hidden" by reification.
 void RDFWriter.write(Model model, out, java.lang.String base)
          Serialize Model model to OutputStream out.
 void RDFWriter.write(Model model, out, java.lang.String base)
          Caution: Serialize Model model to Writer out.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl

Classes in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl that implement Model
 class com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelCom

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner that return Model
 Model ReasonerRegistry.getAllDescriptions()
          Return a composite set of RDF capability descriptions for all registered reasoners.
 Model ReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model Reasoner.getReasonerCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner with parameters of type Model
 void Reasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 Reasoner Reasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          This is most commonly used to attach an ontology (a set of tbox axioms in description logics jargon) to a reasoner.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys that return Model
 Model RDFSRuleReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model RDFSFBRuleReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model OWLMiniReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model OWLMicroReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model GenericRuleReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model DAMLMicroReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model LPBackwardRuleReasoner.getReasonerCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model FBRuleReasoner.getReasonerCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model BasicForwardRuleReasoner.getReasonerCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys with parameters of type Model
 void LPBackwardRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 void FBRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 void BasicForwardRuleReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 Reasoner LPBackwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.
 Reasoner FBRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.
 Reasoner BasicForwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner that return Model
 Model TransitiveReasonerFactory.getCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.
 Model TransitiveReasoner.getReasonerCapabilities()
          Return a description of the capabilities of this reasoner encoded in RDF.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner with parameters of type Model
 void TransitiveReasoner.addDescription(Model configSpec, Resource base)
          Add a configuration description for this reasoner into a partial configuration specification model.
 Reasoner TransitiveReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Extracts all of the subClass and subProperty declarations from the given schema/tbox and caches the resultant graphs.

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared

Fields in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared declared as Model
 Model BadDescriptionException.badModel

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared that return Model
static Model RandomOrderGraph.createDefaultModel()

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.shared with parameters of type Model
BadDescriptionException(java.lang.String message, Model badModel)
BadDescriptionMultipleRootsException(Model badModel, Resource type)
BadDescriptionNoRootException(Model badModel, Resource type)

Uses of Model in com.hp.hpl.jena.util

Classes in com.hp.hpl.jena.util that implement Model
 class MonitorModel
          Model wrapper which provides normal access to an underlying model but also maintains a snapshot of the triples it was last known to contain.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util that return Model
static Model ModelLoader.connectToDB(java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String dbUser, java.lang.String dbPassword, java.lang.String modelName, java.lang.String dbType, java.lang.String driverName)
          Connect to a database.
 Model FileManager.getFromCache(java.lang.String filenameOrURI)
          Read out of the cache - return null if not in the cache
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(Model model, java.lang.String urlStr)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().readModel(model, urlStr) instead
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(Model model, java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String lang)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().readModel(model, urlStr, lang) instead
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().loadModel(urlStr)
 Model FileManager.loadModel(java.lang.String filenameOrURI)
          Load a model from a file (local or remote).
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String lang)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().loadModel(urlStr, lang)
 Model FileManager.loadModel(java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String rdfSyntax)
          Load a model from a file (local or remote).
 Model FileManager.loadModel(java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String baseURI, java.lang.String rdfSyntax)
          Load a model from a file (local or remote).
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String lang, java.lang.String dbUser, java.lang.String dbPassword, java.lang.String modelName, java.lang.String dbType, java.lang.String driver)
          Load a model or attached a persistent store.
static Model ResourceUtils.reachableClosure(Resource root)
          Answer a model that contains all of the resources reachable from a given resource by any property, transitively.
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String rdfSyntax)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String baseURI, java.lang.String syntax)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 Model LocationMapper.toModel()

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with parameters of type Model
 void FileManager.addCacheModel(java.lang.String uri, Model m)
static RDFNode ModelQueryUtil.asRDF(Model m, Node n)
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(Model model, java.lang.String urlStr)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().readModel(model, urlStr) instead
static Model ModelLoader.loadModel(Model model, java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String lang)
          Deprecated. Use FileManager.get().readModel(model, urlStr, lang) instead
static java.util.List<RDFNode> ModelQueryUtil.mappy(Model m, Domain L)
 void LocationMapper.processConfig(Model m)
static com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator<java.util.List<? extends RDFNode>> ModelQueryUtil.queryBindingsWith(Model model, Model query, Resource[] variables)
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String rdfSyntax)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 Model FileManager.readModel(Model model, java.lang.String filenameOrURI, java.lang.String baseURI, java.lang.String syntax)
          Read a file of RDF into a model.
 void LocationMapper.toModel(Model model)
 Graph QueryMapper.toQueryGraph(Model m)

Constructors in com.hp.hpl.jena.util with parameters of type Model
LocationMapper(Model model)
          Create a LocationMapper from an existing model
MonitorModel(Model base)
          Create a monitor over the given underlying base model.
QueryMapper(Model m, Resource[] variables)

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