Uses of Interface

Packages that use RDFList
com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology Provides a set of abstractions and convenience classes for accessing and manipluating ontologies represented in RDF. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 

Uses of RDFList in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology that return RDFList
 RDFList AllDifferent.getDistinctMembers()
          Answer the list of distinct members for this AllDifferent declaration.
 RDFList EnumeratedClass.getOneOf()
          Answer a list of individuals that defines the extension of this class.
 RDFList DataRange.getOneOf()
          Answer a list of literals that defines the extension of this datarange.
 RDFList BooleanClassDescription.getOperands()
          Answer the list of operands for this Boolean class expression.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology with parameters of type RDFList
 EnumeratedClass OntClass.convertToEnumeratedClass(RDFList individuals)
          Answer a view of this class as an enumeration of the given individuals.
 IntersectionClass OntClass.convertToIntersectionClass(RDFList classes)
          Answer a view of this class as an intersection of the given classes.
 UnionClass OntClass.convertToUnionClass(RDFList classes)
          Answer a view of this class as a union of the given classes.
 AllDifferent OntModel.createAllDifferent(RDFList differentMembers)
           Answer a new, anonymous node representing the fact that a given set of classes are all pair-wise distinct.
 DataRange OntModel.createDataRange(RDFList literals)
          Answer a data range defined as the given set of concrete data values.
 EnumeratedClass OntModel.createEnumeratedClass(java.lang.String uri, RDFList members)
          Answer a resource representing the class that is the enumeration of the given list of individuals
 IntersectionClass OntModel.createIntersectionClass(java.lang.String uri, RDFList members)
          Answer a resource representing the class that is the intersection of the given list of class descriptions.
 UnionClass OntModel.createUnionClass(java.lang.String uri, RDFList members)
          Answer a resource representing the class that is the union of the given list of class descriptions
 void AllDifferent.setDistinctMembers(RDFList members)
          Assert that the list of distinct individuals in this AllDifferent declaration is the given list.
 void EnumeratedClass.setOneOf(RDFList en)
          Assert that this class is exactly the enumeration of the given individuals.
 void DataRange.setOneOf(RDFList en)
          Assert that this data range is exactly the enumeration of the given individuals.
 void BooleanClassDescription.setOperands(RDFList operands)
          Assert that the operands for this boolean class expression are the classes in the given list.

Uses of RDFList in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return RDFList
 RDFList RDFList.append(java.util.Iterator<? extends RDFNode> nodes)
           Answer a new list that is formed by adding each element of this list to the head of the the list formed from the given nodes.
 RDFList RDFList.append(RDFList list)
           Answer a new list that is formed by adding each element of this list to the head of the given list.
 RDFList RDFList.cons(RDFNode value)
           Return a reference to a new list cell whose head is value and whose tail is this list.
 RDFList RDFList.copy()
           Answer a list that contains all of the elements of this list in the same order, but is a duplicate copy in the underlying model.
 RDFList Model.createList()
          Answer a new empty list.
 RDFList Model.createList(java.util.Iterator<? extends RDFNode> members)
          Answer a new list containing the resources from the given iterator, in order.
 RDFList Model.createList(RDFNode[] members)
          Answer a new list containing the nodes from the given array, in order
 RDFList RDFList.getTail()
           Answer the list that is the tail of this list.
 RDFList RDFList.remove(RDFNode val)
          Remove the given value from this list.
 RDFList RDFList.removeHead()
           Remove the value from the head of the list.
 RDFList RDFList.setTail(RDFList tail)
           Update the list cell at the front of the list to have the given list as tail.
 RDFList RDFList.with(RDFNode value)
           Answer the list that is this list with the given value added to the end of the list.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model with parameters of type RDFList
 RDFList RDFList.append(RDFList list)
           Answer a new list that is formed by adding each element of this list to the head of the given list.
 void RDFList.concatenate(RDFList list)
           Change the tail of this list to point to the given list, so that this list becomes the list of the concatenation of the elements of both lists.
 boolean RDFList.sameListAs(RDFList list)
           Answer true if this list has the same elements in the same order as the given list.
 RDFList RDFList.setTail(RDFList tail)
           Update the list cell at the front of the list to have the given list as tail.

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