Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResIterator
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model A package for creating and manipulating RDF graphs. 

Uses of ResIterator in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model that return ResIterator
 ResIterator Model.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p)
          Answer an iterator [with no duplicates] over all the resources in this model that have property p.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, boolean o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, char o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, double o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, float o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, long o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, java.lang.Object o)
          Answer an iterator [without duplicates] over all the resources in this model which have value o' for property p, where o' is the typed literal corresponding to o.
 ResIterator Model.listResourcesWithProperty(Property p, RDFNode o)
          Answer an iterator [with no duplicates] over all the resources in this model that have property p with value o.
 ResIterator Model.listSubjects()
          List all resources which are subjects of statements.
 ResIterator Model.listSubjectsWithProperty(Property p)
          An alias for istResourcesWithProperty(Property), retained for backward compatability.
 ResIterator Model.listSubjectsWithProperty(Property p, RDFNode o)
          An alias for listResourcesWithProperty, retained for backward compatability.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listSubjectsWithProperty(Property p, java.lang.String o)
          lists all subjects with a given property and property value.
 ResIterator ModelCon.listSubjectsWithProperty(Property p, java.lang.String o, java.lang.String l)
          lists all subjects with a given property and property value.

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