Uses of Class

Packages that use ReasonerException
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner The Jena2 reasoner subsystem is designed to allow a range of inference engines to be plugged into Jena. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys Provides a selection of simple rule engines for Jena inference models. 
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner This package contains a reasoner which supports transitive-reflexive closure of subPropertyOf and subClassOf relations. 

Uses of ReasonerException in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner

Subclasses of ReasonerException in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner
 class IllegalParameterException
          Exception used to to signal that a configuration parameter was used (typically in a setParameter call) that was not understood - either because it was not a recognized parameter URI or its value range was incorrect.

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner that throw ReasonerException
 InfGraph Reasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 Reasoner Reasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          This is most commonly used to attach an ontology (a set of tbox axioms in description logics jargon) to a reasoner.
 Reasoner Reasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          This is most commonly used to attach an ontology (a set of tbox axioms in description logics jargon) to a reasoner.
 Reasoner ReasonerRegistry.create(java.lang.String uri, Resource configuration)
          Create and return a new instance of the reasoner identified by the given uri.

Uses of ReasonerException in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys that throw ReasonerException
 InfGraph RDFSRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph OWLMiniReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph OWLMicroReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph OWLFBRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph LPBackwardRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph GenericRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph FBRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 InfGraph BasicForwardRuleReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF data to process.
 Reasoner RDFSRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner OWLFBRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner LPBackwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner GenericRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner FBRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner BasicForwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema graph.
 Reasoner LPBackwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.
 Reasoner FBRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.
 Reasoner BasicForwardRuleReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Precompute the implications of a schema Model.

Uses of ReasonerException in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner

Methods in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.transitiveReasoner that throw ReasonerException
 InfGraph TransitiveReasoner.bind(Graph data)
          Attach the reasoner to a set of RDF ddata to process.
 Reasoner TransitiveReasoner.bindSchema(Graph tbox)
          Extracts all of the subClass and subProperty declarations from the given schema/tbox and caches the resultant graphs.
 Reasoner TransitiveReasoner.bindSchema(Model tbox)
          Extracts all of the subClass and subProperty declarations from the given schema/tbox and caches the resultant graphs.

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