Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericRuleReasoner
com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys Provides a selection of simple rule engines for Jena inference models. 

Uses of GenericRuleReasoner in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys

Subclasses of GenericRuleReasoner in com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys
 class DAMLMicroReasoner
          We do not support DAML inference.
 class OWLMicroReasoner
          Reasoner configuration for the OWL micro reasoner.
 class OWLMiniReasoner
          Reasoner configuration for the OWL mini reasoner.
 class RDFSForwardRuleReasoner
          A pure forward chaining implementation of the RDFS closure rules based upon the basic forward rule interpreter.
 class RDFSRuleReasoner
          A full implemention of RDFS reasoning using a hybrid rule system, together with optimized subclass/subproperty closure using the transitive graph caches.

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