Class RDFXMLOntologyFormat

  extended by org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyFormat
      extended by org.semanticweb.owl.vocab.NamespaceOWLOntologyFormat
          extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RDFXMLOntologyFormat
extends NamespaceOWLOntologyFormat

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group
Date: 02-Jan-2007

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addAnnotationURI( uri)
          This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed.
 void addAnnotationURIAnnotation( uri, OWLAnnotation anno)
          This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed.
 void clearAnnotationURIAnnotations()
          This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed.
 java.util.Map<,java.util.Set<OWLAnnotation>> getAnnotationURIAnnotations()
          This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed.
 java.util.Set<> getAnnotationURIs()
 long getNumberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading()
          Returns the number of triples that where processed when the ontology was loaded.
 void removeAnnotationURIAnnotation( uri, OWLAnnotation anno)
          This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed.
 void setNumberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading(long numberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading)
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.semanticweb.owl.vocab.NamespaceOWLOntologyFormat
addPrefixNamespaceMapping, getNamespacesByPrefixMap
Methods inherited from class org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyFormat
equals, getParameter, hashCode, setParameter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RDFXMLOntologyFormat()
Method Detail


public long getNumberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading()
Returns the number of triples that where processed when the ontology was loaded.

The number of triples parsed when loading from a file, If the ontology hasn't been loaded from a file (because it was created programmatically) then the return value will be zero.


public void setNumberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading(long numberOfTriplesProcessedDuringLoading)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.util.Set<> getAnnotationURIs()


public void addAnnotationURI( uri)
This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed. Use at your own risk! It will be removed when the spec is fixed!


public void addAnnotationURIAnnotation( uri,
                                       OWLAnnotation anno)
This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed. Use at your own risk! It will be removed when the spec is fixed!


public void removeAnnotationURIAnnotation( uri,
                                          OWLAnnotation anno)
This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed. Use at your own risk! It will be removed when the spec is fixed!


public void clearAnnotationURIAnnotations()
This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed. Use at your own risk! It will be removed when the spec is fixed!


public java.util.Map<,java.util.Set<OWLAnnotation>> getAnnotationURIAnnotations()
This method and the functionality that it provides are merely a stopgap until the OWL 1.1 specification is fixed. Use at your own risk! It will be removed when the spec is fixed!