Interface OWLDescription

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange
All Known Subinterfaces:
OWLAnonymousDescription, OWLBooleanDescription, OWLCardinalityRestriction<P,F>, OWLClass, OWLDataAllRestriction, OWLDataCardinalityRestriction, OWLDataExactCardinalityRestriction, OWLDataMaxCardinalityRestriction, OWLDataMinCardinalityRestriction, OWLDataSomeRestriction, OWLDataValueRestriction, OWLNaryBooleanDescription, OWLObjectAllRestriction, OWLObjectCardinalityRestriction, OWLObjectComplementOf, OWLObjectExactCardinalityRestriction, OWLObjectIntersectionOf, OWLObjectMaxCardinalityRestriction, OWLObjectMinCardinalityRestriction, OWLObjectOneOf, OWLObjectSelfRestriction, OWLObjectSomeRestriction, OWLObjectUnionOf, OWLObjectValueRestriction, OWLQuantifiedRestriction<P,F>, OWLRestriction<P>, OWLValueRestriction<P,V>

public interface OWLDescription
extends OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006 Represents a class description in OWL. This interface covers named and anonymous classes.

Method Summary
 void accept(OWLDescriptionVisitor visitor)
          Accepts a visit from an OWLDescriptionVisitor
<O> O
accept(OWLDescriptionVisitorEx<O> visitor)
 OWLClass asOWLClass()
          If this class description is in fact a named class then this method may be used to obtain the description as an OWLClass without the need for casting.
 boolean isAnonymous()
          Determines whether or not this description represents an anonymous class description.
 boolean isOWLNothing()
          Determines if this description is the built in class owl:Nothing.
 boolean isOWLThing()
          Determines if this description is the built in class owl:Thing.

Method Detail


boolean isAnonymous()
Determines whether or not this description represents an anonymous class description.

true if this is an anonymous class description, or false if this is a named class (OWLClass)


OWLClass asOWLClass()
If this class description is in fact a named class then this method may be used to obtain the description as an OWLClass without the need for casting. The general pattern of use is to use the isAnonymous to first check

This class description as an OWLClass.
OWLRuntimeException - if this class description is not an OWLClass.


boolean isOWLThing()
Determines if this description is the built in class owl:Thing. This method does not determine if the class is equivalent to owl:Thing.

true if this description is owl:Thing, or false if this description is not owl:Thing


boolean isOWLNothing()
Determines if this description is the built in class owl:Nothing. This method does not determine if the class is equivalent to owl:Nothing.

true if this description is owl:Nothing, or false if this description is not owl:Nothing.


void accept(OWLDescriptionVisitor visitor)
Accepts a visit from an OWLDescriptionVisitor

visitor - The visitor that wants to visit


<O> O accept(OWLDescriptionVisitorEx<O> visitor)