Interface OWLOntologyURIMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoURIMapper, CommonBaseURIMapper, NonMappingOntologyURIMapper, SimpleURIMapper

public interface OWLOntologyURIMapper

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 25-Oct-2006 The interface to an object that is capable of mapping onology URIs (sometimes referred to a logical URIs) to physical URIs.

Method Summary getPhysicalURI( ontologyURI)
          Given an ontology URI, this method maps the ontology URI to a physical URI that points to some concrete representation of the ontology.

Method Detail

getPhysicalURI getPhysicalURI( ontologyURI)
Given an ontology URI, this method maps the ontology URI to a physical URI that points to some concrete representation of the ontology.

ontologyURI - The ontology URI to be mapped.
The physical URI of the ontology, or null if the mapper doesn't have mapping for the specified ontology URI.