Class FilteringOWLOntologyChangeListener

  extended by org.semanticweb.owl.util.OWLOntologyChangeFilter
      extended by org.semanticweb.owl.util.FilteringOWLOntologyChangeListener
All Implemented Interfaces:
OWLAxiomVisitor, OWLOntologyChangeListener

public class FilteringOWLOntologyChangeListener
extends OWLOntologyChangeFilter
implements OWLOntologyChangeListener

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group
Date: 17-Dec-2006

Incorporates a listener into an OWLOntologyChangeFilter. This listener listens to and processes axiom added and axiom removed changes. To filter out axioms of interest, override the appropriate visit method - see OWLOntologyChangeFilter for more details.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void ontologiesChanged(java.util.List<? extends OWLOntologyChange> changes)
          Called when some changes have been applied to various ontologies.
Methods inherited from class org.semanticweb.owl.util.OWLOntologyChangeFilter
getOntology, isAdd, isRemove, processChanges, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit, visit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FilteringOWLOntologyChangeListener()
Method Detail


public final void ontologiesChanged(java.util.List<? extends OWLOntologyChange> changes)
                             throws OWLException
Description copied from interface: OWLOntologyChangeListener
Called when some changes have been applied to various ontologies. These may be an axiom added or an axiom removed changes.

Specified by:
ontologiesChanged in interface OWLOntologyChangeListener
changes - A list of changes that have occurred. Each change may be examined to determine which ontology it was applied to.