Interface TransactionAwareSingleExpGen

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BlackBoxExplanation, SingleExplanationGeneratorImpl

public interface TransactionAwareSingleExpGen
extends SingleExplanationGenerator

Title: Transaction Aware Single Explanation Generator

Description: Extension to SingleExplanationGenerator to allow single explanation generators to be efficiently used within the HSTExplanationGenerator

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008

Company: Clark & Parsia, LLC.

Michael Smith

Method Summary
 void beginTransaction()
          Indicates to the explanation generator that a transaction which may modify the ontology state is starting.
 void endTransaction()
          End a transaction.
Methods inherited from interface com.clarkparsia.owlapi.explanation.SingleExplanationGenerator
getExplanation, getOntology, getOntologyManager, getReasoner, getReasonerFactory

Method Detail


void beginTransaction()
Indicates to the explanation generator that a transaction which may modify the ontology state is starting. Intended to allow the explanation generator to efficiently preserve state when used by HSTExplanationGenerator.


void endTransaction()
End a transaction. See beginTransaction()