Interface ListItemTranslator<O extends OWLObject>

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClassExpressionListItemTranslator, DataPropertyListItemTranslator, DataRangeListItemTranslator, HasKeyListItemTranslator, IndividualListItemTranslator, ObjectPropertyListItemTranslator, OWLFacetRestrictionListItemTranslator, OWLObjectPropertyExpressionListItemTranslator, SWRLAtomListItemTranslator, TypedConstantListItemTranslator

public interface ListItemTranslator<O extends OWLObject>

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group
Date: 08-Dec-2006

Translates and consumes an item in an RDF list.

Method Summary
 O translate(IRI firstObject)
          The rdf:first triple that represents the item to be translated.
 O translate(OWLLiteral firstObject)

Method Detail


O translate(IRI firstObject)
The rdf:first triple that represents the item to be translated. This triple will point to something like a class expression, individual.

firstObject - The rdf:first triple that points to the item to be translated.
The translated item.


O translate(OWLLiteral firstObject)