Interface OWLAnnotationProperty

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLEntity, OWLNamedObject, OWLObject
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OWLAnnotationProperty
extends OWLEntity

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 13-Jan-2009

Represents an AnnotationProperty in the OWL 2 specification.

Method Summary
 boolean isBuiltIn()
          Determines if this property is a built in annotation property.
 boolean isComment()
          Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to rdfs:comment.
 boolean isDeprecated()
          Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to owl:deprecated.
 boolean isLabel()
          Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to rdfs:label.
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity
accept, accept, asOWLAnnotationProperty, asOWLClass, asOWLDataProperty, asOWLDatatype, asOWLNamedIndividual, asOWLObjectProperty, getAnnotationAssertionAxioms, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getEntityType, getOWLEntity, getReferencingAxioms, getReferencingAxioms, isOWLAnnotationProperty, isOWLClass, isOWLDataProperty, isOWLDatatype, isOWLNamedIndividual, isOWLObjectProperty, isType, toStringID
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedObject
accept, getIRI

Method Detail


boolean isComment()
Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to rdfs:comment.

true if the IRI of this annotation property is rdfs:comment, where rdfs: expands to the usual prefix, otherwise false.


boolean isLabel()
Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to rdfs:label.

true if the IRI of this annotation property is rdfs:label, where rdfs: expands to the usual prefix, otherwise false.


boolean isDeprecated()
Determines if this annotation property has an IRI corresponding to owl:deprecated. An annotation along the owl:deprecated property which has a value of "true"^^xsd:boolean can be used to deprecate IRIs. (See of the OWL 2 specification.

true if the IRI of this annotation property is owl:deprecated, where owl: expands to the usual prefix, otherwise false.


boolean isBuiltIn()
Determines if this property is a built in annotation property. i.e. one of the following

Specified by:
isBuiltIn in interface OWLEntity
true if the property is a built in annotation property, otherwise false