Interface OWLNaryClassAxiom

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLAxiom, OWLClassAxiom, OWLLogicalAxiom, OWLNaryAxiom, OWLObject, OWLSubClassOfAxiomSetShortCut
All Known Subinterfaces:
OWLDisjointClassesAxiom, OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom
All Known Implementing Classes:
OWLDisjointClassesAxiomImpl, OWLEquivalentClassesAxiomImpl, OWLNaryClassAxiomImpl

public interface OWLNaryClassAxiom
extends OWLClassAxiom, OWLNaryAxiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiomSetShortCut

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006

Method Summary
 boolean contains(OWLClassExpression ce)
          Determines if this class axiom contains the specified class expression as an operand
 java.util.Set<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressions()
          Gets all of the top level class expressions that appear in this axiom.
 java.util.List<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressionsAsList()
          A convenience method that obtains the class expression returned by the getClassExpressions() method as a list of class expressions.
 java.util.Set<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressionsMinus(OWLClassExpression... desc)
          Gets the set of class expressions that appear in this axiom minus the specfied class expressions.
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAxiom
accept, accept, equalsIgnoreAnnotations, getAnnotatedAxiom, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getAxiomType, getAxiomWithoutAnnotations, getNNF, isAnnotated, isLogicalAxiom, isOfType, isOfType
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObject
accept, accept, getClassesInSignature, getDataPropertiesInSignature, getDatatypesInSignature, getIndividualsInSignature, getNestedClassExpressions, getObjectPropertiesInSignature, getSignature, isBottomEntity, isTopEntity
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNaryAxiom
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLSubClassOfAxiomSetShortCut

Method Detail


java.util.Set<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressions()
Gets all of the top level class expressions that appear in this axiom.

A Set of class expressions that appear in the axiom.


java.util.List<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressionsAsList()
A convenience method that obtains the class expression returned by the getClassExpressions() method as a list of class expressions.

A list of the class expressions in this axiom.


boolean contains(OWLClassExpression ce)
Determines if this class axiom contains the specified class expression as an operand

ce - The class expression to test for
true if this axiom contains the specified class expression as an operand, otherwise false.


java.util.Set<OWLClassExpression> getClassExpressionsMinus(OWLClassExpression... desc)
Gets the set of class expressions that appear in this axiom minus the specfied class expressions.

desc - The class expressions to subtract from the class expressions in this axiom
A set containing all of the class expressions in this axiom (the class expressions returned by getClassExpressions()) minus the specified list of class expressions