Interface OWLOntologyIRIMapper

All Known Implementing Classes:
AutoIRIMapper, CommonBaseIRIMapper, NonMappingOntologyIRIMapper, OWLOntologyIRIMapperImpl, SimpleIRIMapper

public interface OWLOntologyIRIMapper

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 25-Oct-2006 The interface to an object that is capable of mapping ontology IRIs to document IRIs.

Method Summary
 IRI getDocumentIRI(IRI ontologyIRI)
          Given an ontology IRI, this method maps the ontology IRI to a document IRI.

Method Detail


IRI getDocumentIRI(IRI ontologyIRI)
Given an ontology IRI, this method maps the ontology IRI to a document IRI.

ontologyIRI - The ontology IRI to be mapped.
The document IRI of the ontology, or null if the mapper doesn't have mapping for the specified ontology IRI.