Interface PrefixManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultOntologyFormat, DefaultPrefixManager, ManchesterOWLSyntaxOntologyFormat, OWLFunctionalSyntaxOntologyFormat, OWLXMLOntologyFormat, PrefixOWLOntologyFormat, RDFOntologyFormat, RDFXMLOntologyFormat, TurtleOntologyFormat

public interface PrefixManager

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 10-Sep-2008

A prefix manager than can provide prefixes for prefix names.

Method Summary
 boolean containsPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefixName)
          Determines if this manager knows about a given prefix name and it contains a (non-null) mapping for the prefix.
 java.lang.String getDefaultPrefix()
          Gets the default prefix.
 IRI getIRI(java.lang.String prefixIRI)
          Gets the URI for a given prefix IRI.
 java.lang.String getPrefix(java.lang.String prefixName)
          Gets the prefix that is bound to a particular prefix name.
 java.lang.String getPrefixIRI(IRI iri)
          Gets the prefix IRI given a IRI (URI).
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getPrefixName2PrefixMap()
          Gets a map that maps prefix names to prefixes.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPrefixNames()
          Gets the prefix names that have a mapping in this prefix manager

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDefaultPrefix()
Gets the default prefix. The default prefix is denoted by the prefix name ":"

The default prefix, or null if there is no default prefix.


boolean containsPrefixMapping(java.lang.String prefixName)
Determines if this manager knows about a given prefix name and it contains a (non-null) mapping for the prefix.

prefixName - The prefix name to be tested for.
true if the manager knows about this prefix and there is a non-null mapping for this prefix.


java.lang.String getPrefix(java.lang.String prefixName)
Gets the prefix that is bound to a particular prefix name. Note that specifying ":" corresponds to requesting the default prefix and will return the same result as a call to the getDefaultPrefix() method.

prefixName - The prefix name. A string that represents a prefix name of the prefix to be retrieved. Note that specifying ":" is the same as asking for the default prefix (see the getDefaultPrefix() method).
The prefix, or null if there is no prefix name bound to this prefix, or the prefix name doesn't exist.


java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getPrefixName2PrefixMap()
Gets a map that maps prefix names to prefixes.

The map of prefix names to prefixes. Note that modifying the contents of this map will not change the prefix name - prefix mappings


IRI getIRI(java.lang.String prefixIRI)
Gets the URI for a given prefix IRI. The prefix IRI must have a prefix name that is registered with this manager, or a runtime exception will be thrown.

prefixIRI - The Prefix IRI
The full IRI.
OWLRuntimeException - if the prefix name of the prefix IRI doesn't have a corresponding prefix managed by this manager.


java.lang.String getPrefixIRI(IRI iri)
Gets the prefix IRI given a IRI (URI).

iri - The IRI whose prefix it to be retrieved
The prefix IRI for this IRI, or null if a prefix IRI cannot be generated.


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPrefixNames()
Gets the prefix names that have a mapping in this prefix manager

The prefix names as a set of strings.