Interface ReasonerProgressMonitor

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConsoleProgressMonitor, NullReasonerProgressMonitor

public interface ReasonerProgressMonitor

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 29-Nov-2009

The ReasonerProgressMonitor interface should be implemented by objects that wish to montitor the progress of a resoner. The reasoner whose progress is being monitored will call the methods on this interface. The progress monitor is designed to monitor long running reasoner tasks such as loading, preprocessing, consistency checking, classification and realisation.

Tasks are executed sequentially. Nested tasks are not supported.

The general contract is that the reasoner will call reasonerTaskStarted(String), then call either reasonerTaskBusy() or reasonerTaskProgressChanged(int, int) any number of times and finally call reasonerTaskStopped() when the task ends or has been interupted. This cycle may then be repeated.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASSIFYING
          A standard name for the task of computing the class hierarchy.
static java.lang.String CLASSIFYING_AND_REALIZING
          A standard name for the task of classifying and realising at the same time.
static java.lang.String LOADING
          A standard name for the task of loading a reasoner with axioms.
static java.lang.String REALIZING
          A standard name for the task of computing the types of individual.
Method Summary
 void reasonerTaskBusy()
          Indicates that the reasoner is busy performing a task whose size cannot be determined.
 void reasonerTaskProgressChanged(int value, int max)
          Indicates that the reasoner is part way through a particular task, for example consistency checking, classification or reaslisation.
 void reasonerTaskStarted(java.lang.String taskName)
          Indicates that some reasoner task, for example, loading, consistency checking, classification, realisation etc.
 void reasonerTaskStopped()
          Indicates that a previosly started task has now stopped.

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String LOADING
A standard name for the task of loading a reasoner with axioms. Note that there is no guarantee that the reasoner will use this name for loading.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CLASSIFYING
A standard name for the task of computing the class hierarchy. Note that there is no guarantee that the reasoner will use this name for the task of computing the class hierarchy.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String REALIZING
A standard name for the task of computing the types of individual. Note that there is no guarantee that the reasoner will use this name for the task of realising.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CLASSIFYING_AND_REALIZING
A standard name for the task of classifying and realising at the same time. Note that there is no guarantee that the reasoner will use this name for the task of classifying.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void reasonerTaskStarted(java.lang.String taskName)
Indicates that some reasoner task, for example, loading, consistency checking, classification, realisation etc. has started. When the task has finished the reasonerTaskStopped() method will be called. Once this method has been called it will not be called again unless the reasonerTaskStopped() method has been called. The notion of subtasks is not supported.

Note that this method may be called from a thread that is not the event dispatch thread.

taskName - The name of the task


void reasonerTaskStopped()
Indicates that a previosly started task has now stopped. This method will only be called after the reasonerTaskStarted(String) method has been called. The notion of subtasks is not supported.

Note that this method may be called from a thread that is not the event dispatch thread.


void reasonerTaskProgressChanged(int value,
                                 int max)
Indicates that the reasoner is part way through a particular task, for example consistency checking, classification or reaslisation. This method will only be called after the reasonerTaskStarted(String) method has been called. It will not be called after the reasonerTaskStopped() method has been called.

Note that this method may be called from a thread that is not the event dispatch thread.

value - The value or portion of the task completed
max - The total size of the task


void reasonerTaskBusy()
Indicates that the reasoner is busy performing a task whose size cannot be determined. This method will only be called after the reasonerTaskStarted(String) method has been called. It will not be called after the reasonerTaskStopped() method has been called.

Note that this method may be called from a thread that is not the event dispatch thread.