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8.10 Version 5 Test Suites

 (require cpsc411/test-suite/public/v5)
  package: cpsc411-lib


(v5-public-test-suite pass-list    
  check-values-lang)  test-suite?
  pass-list : (listof (-> any/c any/c))
  interp-list : (listof (or/c #f (-> any/c any/c)))
  check-values-lang : (-> any/c values-lang-v5?)
The test suite for the v5 compiler passes. Reuses all test suites from v4-public-test-suite where possible.

pass-list is expected to be a list of passes that compile from values-lang-v5? to x64, compatible with current-pass-list.

See v1-public-test-suite for details about the interpretation of pass-list and interp-list.

Expects 1 function not directly part of compilation separate, and performs various kinds of property-based testing on it.