3.2 Iteration 1: Towards a Declarative Language
3.2.1 Assignment Summary
The goal of this assignment is to introduce the process of designing, implementing, and reasoning about a compiler. In particular, we look at designing languages by abstracting away from annoying details, and implementing those abstractions by compilation.
In this assignment, you will implement a small abstraction layer on top of x64, called Paren-x64 v2, which allows easily writing a subset of x64 programs while ignoring some of the boilerplate and operating-system-specific details.
Then, we will abstract away from imperative instructions on locations to expressions on values, and abstract away from a small number of physical locations and replace them with an essentially unboundedly large number of abstract names.
Unit test appropriately, with tests for both failure and success for each compiler pass. You should look into the RackUnit: Unit Testing package. There should be a test module for each of the compiler passes next to the implementation of the pass. You can also test the whole compiler pipeline in the compiler.rkt file.
You can use the interrogator to get limited access to the reference solution: https://soft.vub.ac.be/compilers/interrogator?an=a1 and https://soft.vub.ac.be/compilers/interrogator?an=a2.
You can use the language diff tool to view differences between languages that aren’t typeset in the book: https://soft.vub.ac.be/compilers/differ. Checklist
Completely new passes
3.2.2 Reading
The reading for this iteration is A Compiler Begins with a Language, Abstracting Boilerplate (v1). Abstract Locations and Value Orientation.
This description links to the documentation for each exercise in the chapter for convenience, but you are responsible for the reading the entire chapter.
You should read first and work the relevant exercises as you read.
3.2.3 Assignment
Here are some useful notes:
To implement uniquify and select-instructions you may find the functions name? and fresh from the support library helpful.
The make-begin function from the support package is very useful to minimize the number of nested begin statements in all compiler passes, and in particular in the implementation of flatten-begins.
3.2.4 Validators and interpreters
In these exercises you extend the well-formedness checkers and the interpreters for the source and target language. Generic definitions are given for these by default which you have to replace with your own implementations. You should however prioritize the assignments above, which do not have default implementation and are therefore more important for obtaining a fully functioning compiler pipeline.
Implement check-paren-x64 a validator for Paren-x64 v2.
You should start by writing examples and tests for the specification, and adding match clauses following the design recipe. Test for both, success and failure.
Implement interp-paren-x64 an interpreter for Paren-x64 v2.
Examples:> (interp-paren-x64 '(begin (set! rax 42))) 42
> (interp-paren-x64 '(begin (set! rax 42) (set! rax (+ rax 0)))) 42
> (interp-paren-x64 '(begin (set! (rbp - 0) 0) (set! (rbp - 8) 42) (set! rax (rbp - 0)) (set! rax (+ rax (rbp - 8))))) 42
> (interp-paren-x64 '(begin (set! rax 0) (set! rbx 0) (set! r9 42) (set! rax (+ rax r9)))) 42
> (interp-paren-x64 '(begin (set! (rbp - 0) 42) (set! rax (rbp - 0)))) 42
Design and implement check-values-lang, a validator for Values-lang v3.
Design and implement interp-values-lang, an interpreter for Values-lang v3.
Examples:> (interp-values-lang '(module (+ 2 2))) 4
> (interp-values-lang '(module (let ([x 5]) x))) 5
> (interp-values-lang '(module (let ([x (+ 2 2)]) x))) 4
> (interp-values-lang '(module (let ([x 2]) (let ([y 2]) (+ x y))))) 4
> (interp-values-lang '(module (let ([x 2]) (let ([x 2]) (+ x x))))) 4
> (execute '(module (+ 2 2))) 4
> (execute '(module (let ([x 5]) x))) 5
> (execute '(module (let ([x (+ 2 2)]) x))) 4
> (execute '(module (let ([x 2]) (let ([y 2]) (+ x y))))) 4
> (execute '(module (let ([x 2]) (let ([x 2]) (+ x x))))) 4
> (define (compile-pre-runtime p) (parameterize ([current-pass-list (list check-values-lang uniquify sequentialize-let normalize-bind select-instructions assign-homes flatten-begins patch-instructions implement-fvars check-paren-x64 generate-x64)]) (compile p))) > (require racket/pretty) > (pretty-display (compile-pre-runtime '(module (+ 2 2)))) mov QWORD [rbp - 0], 2
mov r10, QWORD [rbp - 0]
add r10, 2
mov QWORD [rbp - 0], r10
mov rax, QWORD [rbp - 0]
> (pretty-display (compile-pre-runtime '(module (let ([x 5]) x)))) mov QWORD [rbp - 0], 5
mov rax, QWORD [rbp - 0]
> (pretty-display (compile-pre-runtime '(module (let ([x 2]) (let ([y 2]) (+ x y)))))) mov QWORD [rbp - 8], 2
mov QWORD [rbp - 0], 2
mov r10, QWORD [rbp - 8]
mov QWORD [rbp - 16], r10
mov r10, QWORD [rbp - 16]
add r10, QWORD [rbp - 0]
mov QWORD [rbp - 16], r10
mov rax, QWORD [rbp - 16]