The Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems (REBLS) group focuses on research related to participatory sensing, ambient-oriented programming (AmOP) and reactive programming.
Participatory sensing provides the enabling technology to deploy so-called citizen observatories. Our research is centred around the notion of orchestrating participatory sensing campaigns, more specifically we want to provide configurable construction tools that enable domain experts (but non-ICT-experts) to specify campaigns.
In AmOP, programs operate in mobile environments where connection failure is the rule rather than the exception, e.g. smart phones or tablets connected over a wifi network. This requires new programming techniques to reference and discover remote entities, abstractions to coordinate and interact with remote parties over volatile connections and finally, replication techniques to increase data availability. Today, the REBLS group specialises in the cloud, research that is the result of an evolution from ambient-oriented programming to full-fledged web applications.
The reactive programming paradigm is a paradigm that is generally accepted as well suited for the development of event-driven and interactive applications. Our research in this field is threefold. First, we focus on making the reactive programming paradigm accessible for imperative, mainstream languages. Secondly, we investigate in radical new reactive progamming ideas such as logic reactive programming. Third, we examine how this reactive data can be distributed over multiple machines/hosts.