Installing Barista

Before installing Barista, make sure you have a woring SOUL installation. See Roll your own SOUL or Pre-Built SOUL

Installing Barista requires two artifacts: an Smalltalk bundle and a set of plugins on the Eclipse installation.

Installing the Barista Bundle

The latest version of Barista can be installed by loading the bundle named 'Soul-Barista' from our DMP store in a fresh Smalltalk image.


The following bundles will be loaded automatically from the DMP store as well:

  • Cava enables querying Java programs using SOUL
  • JavaConnect enables invoking methods on Java objects from within Smalltalk
  • Penumbra enables accessing a headless Eclipse workspace from within Smalltalk
  • Soul the implementation of the SOUL program query language
  • Soul-JavaTemplates enables the use of template terms in SOUL queries

Eclipse Plugins

Barista requires Eclipse version 3.6+. The plugins to use SOUL from Eclipse are:

The plugins must be placed on the eclipse/plugins directory on your Eclipse installation

Once both the plugins and the bundles are installed, you can use SOUL to query your Eclipse projects. See Querying from Eclipse