
Interface Summary
Application The public interface to an application AG element.
AssignField The public interface to a field assignment AG element.
Assignment The common interface to all assignment AG nodes.
AssignmentSymbol Instances of this class represent 'assignment symbols', which are symbols ending in :=.
AssignTable The public interface to a table assignment AG element.
AssignVariable The public interface to a variable assignment AG element.
AsyncMessageCreation An ATAsyncMessageCreation instance is used in an asynchronous message send o<-m(), or in code that creates a first-class async msg, for example def msg := <-m().
Begin The public interface to a sequence of statements.
ClosureLiteral The public interface to a closure literal AG element.
DefExternalField The public interface to an external field definition AG element.
DefExternalMethod The public interface to an external method definition AG element.
DefField The public interface to a field definition AG element.
Definition This is the common interface to all definition AG nodes.
DefMethod The public interface to a method definition AG element.
DefTable The public interface to a table definition AG element.
DefType The public interface to a type tag definition AG element.
Expression ATExpression is the common interface of all expression abstract grammar elements.
FieldSelectionCreation The public interface to a first-class field selection AG element.
Import The public interface to a native AST component of the form 'import (alias (symbol := symbol)+)?
Lookup The public interface to a lookup AG element.
MessageCreation The public interface to a first-class message AG element.
MessageSend The public interface to a synchronous or asynchronous message send AG element.
MethodInvocationCreation The public interface to a first-class synchronous message creation AG element.
MultiAssignment The interface to a multi-assignment AG element.
MultiDefinition The public interface to a multiple definition AG element.
Quote The public interface to a quotation AG element.
Selection The public interface to a selection AG element.
Splice The ATSplice interface represents the 'splice' @exp AG element.
Statement ATStatement is the common interface of all statement AG elements.
Symbol The public interface to a symbol reference AG element.
Tabulation The public interface to a tabulation AG element.
Unquote The public interface to an unquotation AG element.
UnquoteSplice The public interface to an unquote-splice AG element.