! % * + - / < = > ? A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W ~


!(ATBoolean) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The unary !
!=(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Nil
The !
!=(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is different than the numeric data type passed as argument.


%(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns the modular arithmetic between the number and another number passed as argument.


*(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Multiplication infix operator.
**(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns a table containing the exclusive range from the number to a number passed as argument.
***(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns a table containing the inclusive range from the number to a number passed as argument.


+(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Addition infix operator.
+(ATTable) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Concatenation infix operator.
+(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Concatenation infix operator.
+(ATNumber) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The unary + primitive.


-(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Subtraction infix operator.
-(ATNumeric) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The unary - primitive.


/(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Division infix operator ("/").
/() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
/ evaluates to the global namespace.
/-(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns the floor division between the number and another number passed as argument.


<(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is smaller than the numeric data type passed as argument.
<=(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is smaller than or equal to the numeric data type passed as argument.
<=>(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Generalized equality infix operator.
<=>(ATText) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Returns the value of evaluating the generalized equality between this text and a given one.


=(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is equal to the numeric data type passed as argument.
==(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Nil
The identity operator.
==(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
Compare the receiver object to the root object.


>(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is greater than the numeric data type passed as argument.
>=(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns true if the receiver is greater than or equal to the numeric data type passed as argument.


??(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns a random fraction in the exclusive range from the number to a number passed as argument.


abs() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Fraction
Returns the absolute value of a fraction.
abs() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns the absolute value of a number.
AbstractGrammar - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATAbstractGrammar contains all methods to be understood by any parsetree element in the ambienttalk/2 programming language.
accessor() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Field
actor:(ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The actor: closure construct.
ActorMirror - Interface in edu.vub.at.actors
The class ATActorMirror prescribes the minimal set of methods to be provided by the default implementation of an actor mirror.
addField(ATField) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation adds a field object to the receiver mirror's base object.
addFraction(ATFraction) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of the sum of the receiver and a fraction passed as argument.
addMethod(ATMethod) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation adds a method to the receiver mirror's base object.
addNumber(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of the sum of the receiver and a number passed as argument.
addSlot(ATMethod) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation adds a slot object to the receiver mirror's base object.
aliasedSymbols() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Import
Example: `{ import o alias foo := bar }.statements[1].aliasedSymbols == `[[foo, bar]]
and:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns false if the receiver is false or the result of the evaluation of the other boolean expression passed as argument if the receiver is true.
and:and:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Auxiliary function: def boolean.and: b1 and: b2 { (boolean.and: b1).and: b2 }
annotateMessage(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.TypeTag
Invoked on a type tag when the type tag is used to annotate asynchronous message sends.
annotateMethod(ATMethod) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.TypeTag
Invoked on a type tag when the type tag is used to annotate method definitions.
annotationExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalMethod
Example: `{ def o.m() @[Getter] { 5 } }.statements[1].annotations == `[Getter]
annotationExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefMethod
A method may have zero or more annotations.
annotations() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Returns the annotations associated with the method.
annotations() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MessageCreation
Messages may optionally have annotations (type tags)
Application - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to an application AG element.
apply(ATTable) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Applies the closure to the given arguments, already wrapped in a table.
apply(ATTable, ATContext) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Applies the method to the given arguments in the given context.
applyInScope(ATTable, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Applies the closure to the given arguments, already wrapped in a table.
applyInScope(ATTable, ATContext) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Applies the method to the given arguments in the given context.
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Message
Returns the arguments passed to the invocation, if any.
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Application
Zero, one or more arguments may be passed.
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ClosureLiteral
A literal closure may contain zero, one or more formal arguments.
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalMethod
Example: `{ def o.m(a, @b) { b } }.statements[1].arguments == `[a, @b]
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefMethod
A method may have zero, one or more formal arguments.
arguments() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MessageCreation
Messages may optionally have arguments if they represent invocations.
arguments:=(ATTable) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Message
Assigns the arguments passed of a first class method.
argv() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
def argv := command-line arguments passed to iat
asCode() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the act of representing the base object as self-containing source code.
asCode:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The asCode: metaprogramming construct.
AssignField - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a field assignment AG element.
Assignment - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The common interface to all assignment AG nodes.
AssignmentSymbol - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
Instances of this class represent 'assignment symbols', which are symbols ending in :=.
AssignTable - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a table assignment AG element.
AssignVariable - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a variable assignment AG element.
AsyncMessage - Interface in edu.vub.at.actors
Instances of the class ATAsyncMessage represent first-class asynchronous message sends.
AsyncMessageCreation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
An ATAsyncMessageCreation instance is used in an asynchronous message send o<-m(), or in code that creates a first-class async msg, for example def msg := <-m().
at(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Returns the value of the element at the index passed as argument.
atPut(ATNumber, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Sets the value of the element at the specified index to the new value passed as argument.


base() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
The read-only field containing the mirror's base-level mirage.
becomeMirroredBy:(ATActorMirror) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
def oldprotocol := actor.becomeMirroredBy: newprotocol Installs a new meta-object protocol into this actor.
Begin - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a sequence of statements.
behaviour() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
Provides access to this actor's "behaviour" object.
bodyExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Returns the body of the method.
bodyExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.ClosureLiteral
The body of a literal closure may not be empty.
bodyExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalMethod
Example: `{ def o.m() { o.n(); 1+2+3 } }.statements[1].bodyExpression == `{o.n(); 1.+(2).+(3)}
bodyExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefMethod
The body of a method may not be empty.
Boolean - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
The ATBoolean represents the public interface of a boolean object.


cancel() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.Letter
Cancels the delivery of this letter.
canHandle(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Handler
Returns whether a handler will be triggered when an exception is raised.
cast(ATObject[]) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.symbiosis.JavaClosure
Using this method, AmbientTalk symbiotic code is able to perform manual overloaded method disambiguation.
ceiling() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the closest number to negative infinity that is greater than the fraction.
clone() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies the act of cloning the base-level object.
clone:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The clone: language construct.
Closure - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATClosure is the public interface to a native AmbientTalk closure (a method + enclosing environment).
ClosureLiteral - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a closure literal AG element.
contains(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Returns true if and only if there exists an element e in the table for which 'obj == e' evaluates to true.
context() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Returns the scope of the closure.
Context - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATContext describes a pair of scope pointers used during evaluation, namely one storing the lexical scope (where the lookup starts for receiverless messages), one storing the late-bound receiver self.
cos() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the trigonometric cosine of the numeric data type representing an angle in radians.
createMessage(ATSymbol, ATTable, ATTable) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
Creates a first-class message in the language.
createMirror(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
Creates a mirror on the given object.
createReference(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
Create a far reference to a local object.


dec() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Fraction
Returns the fraction minus 1.
dec() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns the number minus 1.
defaultMirror() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
defaultMirror evaluates to the default mirror on objects.
DefExternalField - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to an external field definition AG element.
DefExternalMethod - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to an external method definition AG element.
DefField - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a field definition AG element.
defineField(ATSymbol, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies field definition.
Definition - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
This is the common interface to all definition AG nodes.
DefMethod - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a method definition AG element.
DefTable - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a table definition AG element.
DefType - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a type tag definition AG element.
disconnect:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The disconnect: construct.
divideFraction(ATFraction) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of dividing a number passed as argument by the receiver.
divideNumber(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of dividing a number passed as argument by the receiver.
do:if:(ATClosure, ATBoolean) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The do:if: control structure.
do:unless:(ATClosure, ATBoolean) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The do:unless: control structure.
doesNotUnderstand(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies a failed dynamic method or field lookup.
doTimes:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Iterates as many times as the value of the number applying a closure passed as argument.


each:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Applies a closure to each element of the table.
edu.vub.at.actors - package edu.vub.at.actors
edu.vub.at.objects - package edu.vub.at.objects
edu.vub.at.objects.grammar - package edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
escape() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Escape control construct { |quit| ... quit(val) ... }.escape() The escape control construct passes to its receiver block a function which when invoked, immediately transfers control back to the caller of escape, returning the value passed to quit.
eval(ATContext) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the evaluation of abstract grammar objects into values.
eval:in:(ATAbstractGrammar, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The eval:in: metaprogramming construct.
Exception - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
The public interface to an AmbientTalk exception object.
excludedSymbols() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Import
Example: `{ import o exclude a, b }.statements[1].excludedSymbols == `[a,b]
exit() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
def exit() { quits iat }
explode() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Explodes a text into a table of constituent characters.
export:as:(ATObject, ATTypeTag) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The export: object as: topic construct.
Expression - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
ATExpression is the common interface of all expression abstract grammar elements.
expression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Splice
The expression of a slice may be any expression that evaluates to a native table.
expression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Unquote
Example: `(`(#(m()))).statement.expression == `(m())
expression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.UnquoteSplice
The expression must evaluate to a native table Example: `(`(#@(m()))).statement.expression == `(m())
expt(ATNumeric) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the numeric data type raised to the power of the argument.
extend:with:(ATObject, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The extend:with: object creation primitive.
extend:with:mirroredBy:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The extend:with:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
extend:with:taggedAs:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATTable) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The extend:with:taggedAs: object creation primitive.
extend:with:taggedAs:mirroredBy:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATTable, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The extend:with:taggedAs:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.


false() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
false evaluates to the unique boolean false object.
FarReference - Interface in edu.vub.at.actors
ATFarReference is an object reference denoting an object hosted by another actor.
Field - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATField provides a mapping from an immutable name to a potentially mutable value.
fieldName() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignField
The field name must be a literal symbol Example: `{ o.x := 5}.statements[1].fieldName == `x
fieldName() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignmentSymbol
Returns the field name being assigned by this assignment symbol.
FieldSelection - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
Instances of this class represent first-class field access objects.
FieldSelectionCreation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a first-class field selection AG element.
filter:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Returns a new table containing only those elements of the table for which the closure evaluates to true.
find:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Returns the index of the first element for which the given predicate returns true.
find:do:(ATText, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Evaluates a given closure on those elements of this text that match a given regular expression.
floor() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the closest number to positive infinity that is smaller than the fraction.
foreach:in:(ATClosure, ATTable) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The foreach:in: control structure.
Fraction - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATFraction is the public interface to a native AmbientTalk fraction (a floating point value).
freeVariables() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.AbstractGrammar
Return a table of ATSymbol objects representing the set of free variables of the Abstract Grammar expression.
from(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Message
Turns the receiver message into a unary closure that, when applied to a receiver object, sends the message to the receiver object, where the sender used is the object passed to from.
function() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Application
The function may be any AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a closure.


gequalsFraction(ATFraction) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value of evaluating the generalized equality between the numeric data type and a fraction.
gequalsNumber(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value of evaluating the generalized equality between the numeric data type and a number.
getArgv - Variable in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
def argv := command-line arguments passed to iat
getExplicitActorMirror - Variable in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
def aM := implicitActorMirror.getExplicitActorMirror() This method serves as the 'mirror factory' for explicit actor mirrors.
getLocationFilename - Variable in interface edu.vub.at.actors.AsyncMessage
getLocationLine - Variable in interface edu.vub.at.actors.AsyncMessage
grabField(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows the metaprogrammer to reify a field of the receiver mirror's base object.
grabMethod(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows the metaprogrammer to reify a method defined on the receiver mirror's base object.
grabSlot(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows the metaprogrammer to reify a slot of the receiver mirror's base object.


handle(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Handler
Evaluates the associated handler closure if the handler can handle the given exception.
handle:with:(ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The handle: type with: { |e| replacementCode } construct.
Handler - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATHandler represents a first-class exception handler which have a filter object, describing the kind of exceptions caught by the handler and a code block which acts as replacement code for the code that raised the exception.


if:then:(ATBoolean, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The if:then: control structure.
if:then:else:(ATBoolean, ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The if:then:else: control structure.
ifFalse:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns an ATObject representing the result of evaluating the code to execute if the boolean condition is false.
ifTrue:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns an ATObject representing the result of evaluating the code to execute if the boolean condition is true.
ifTrue:ifFalse:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns an ATObject representing the result of evaluating either the code to execute if the boolean condition is false or the one to execute if the boolean condition is true.
implode() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Implodes the receiver table of characters into a text string.
Import - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a native AST component of the form 'import (alias (symbol := symbol)+)?
importedObjectExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Import
Example: `{ import o }.statements[1].importedObjectExpression == `o
inc() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Fraction
Returns the fraction plus 1.
inc() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Returns the number plus 1.
indexExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignTable
The index may be any AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a native number.
indexExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Tabulation
The index expression must evaluate to a native number Example: `(m()[idx+1]).indexExpression == `(idx.+(1))
init(ATObject[]) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Nil
This method is invoked when a new instance of the object is created using this#base_new(ATObject[]).
initializer() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefTable
The initializer is at least one expression and may be a sequence of expressions Example: `{ def tab[5] { m() } }.statements[1].initializer == `{ m() }
inject:into:(ATObject, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Collects all elements of the table by combining them using the given closure.
invoke(ATObject, ATMethodInvocation) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies synchronous message sending ("method invocation").
invokeField(ATObject, ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies "field selection".
is:taggedAs:(ATObject, ATTypeTag) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The is: object taggedAs: type construct.
isCloneOf(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation determines whether this mirror's base object is a clone of the parameter object.
isEmpty() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Checks if the table is empty
isExtensionOfParent() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation returns whether or not the receiver mirror's base object is an extension of its parent object.
isolate:(ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The isolate: object creation primitive.
isRelatedTo(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation determines whether this mirror's base object is related to the parameter object by a combination of cloning and extension operators.
isSubtypeOf(ATTypeTag) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.TypeTag
Returns true if this type tag is a subtype of a given type tag.
isTaggedAs(ATTypeTag) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
Tests whether the receiver mirror's base object is tagged as a particular type.


JavaClosure - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.symbiosis
The public interface to a closure pairing a Java wrapper object with a symbiotic Java method.
jlobby() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
jlobby evaluates to the Java namespace root.
join(ATText) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Joins all the text elements of the receiver table into a text string where the given text is used as a separator.


length() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Returns the length of the table
length() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Returns the length of this text.
let:(ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The let: construct.
Letter - Interface in edu.vub.at.actors
ATLetter is the public interface to an AmbientTalk letter.
LexicalRoot - Class in edu.vub.at.objects.natives
The singleton instance of this class represents the lexical root of an actor.
lexicalScope() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Context
Returns the lexical environment of the current context.
listFields() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows access to all of the fields defined on the receiver mirror's base object.
listIncomingLetters() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This method provides access to a snapshot of the inbox of an actor.
listMethods() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows access to all of the methods defined on the receiver mirror's base object.
listPublications() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This method provides access to a snapshot of the current published services of an actor.
listSlots() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation allows access to all of the slots defined on the receiver mirror's base object.
listSubscriptions() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This method provides access to a snapshot of the current subscriptions of an actor.
lobby() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
lobby evaluates to the global namespace object.
log() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the numeric data type.
Lookup - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a lookup AG element.


map:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Maps a closure over each element of the table, resulting in a new table.
message() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.Letter
Returns the message that is contained in the letter and that should be delivered to the receiver.
message() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Exception
Returns a string-based text message describing the exception
Message - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATMessage represents a first-class AmbientTalk asynchronous message.
MessageCreation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a first-class message AG element.
messageExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MessageSend
The message to be sent must be an AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a message.
MessageSend - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a synchronous or asynchronous message send AG element.
method() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Returns the encapsulated method.
Method - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATMethods are the AmbientTalk's representation of methods as named functions.
MethodInvocation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
Instances of the class ATMethodInvocation represent first-class method invocations.
MethodInvocationCreation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a first-class synchronous message creation AG element.
millisec() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Converts an AmbientTalk number representing a time period in milliseconds into a Java long representing the same time period in milliseconds.
minutes() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Converts an AmbientTalk number representing a minute time period into a Java long * 1000 * 60 representing a millisecond time period.
mirror:(ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The mirror: object creation primitive.
MirrorRoot - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
This is the interface of the root node of the intercessive mirrors delegation hierarchy.
MultiAssignment - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The interface to a multi-assignment AG element.
MultiDefinition - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a multiple definition AG element.
mutator() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Field


name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Field
Returns a string by which the slot can be identified.
name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Returns the name of the method.
name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignVariable
The name of the variable must be a literal symbol Example: `{ x := 5}.statements[1].name == `x
name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalField
The name of the field must be a literal symbol Example: `{ def o.x := 5 }.statements[1].name == `x
name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefField
The name of the field must be a literal symbol Example: `{ def x := 5 }.statements[1].name == `x
name() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefTable
The name of the table must be a literal symbol Example: `{ def tab[5] { m() } }.statements[1].name == `tab
NATSystem(IAT, String[]) - Constructor for class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
Network - Class in edu.vub.at.actors.net
This class represents the singleton network object which provides methods to interface with AT/2's distribution layer.
network() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
network evaluates to the unique network control object.
new(ATObject[]) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Nil
Creates a new instance (a clone) of the receiver and initialises it by invoking its this#base_init(ATObject[]) method.
newInstance(ATTable) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies instance creation.
Nil - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
The methods understood by the native nil object.
nil() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
nil evaluates to the nil object, which is the empty, dynamic parent of all AmbientTalk objects.
not() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns true if the receiver is false or false if the receiver is true.
Number - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATNumber is the public interface to an AmbientTalk native number (an integer value).
Numeric - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATNumeric is the public interface common to numbers and fractions.


Object - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATObject represents the public interface common to any AmbientTalk/2 object.
object:(ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The object: object creation primitive.
object:childOf:extends:taggedAs:mirroredBy:(ATClosure, ATObject, ATBoolean, ATTable, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The object:childOf:extends:taggedAs:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
object:mirroredBy:(ATClosure, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The object:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
object:taggedAs:(ATClosure, ATTable) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The object:taggedAs: object creation primitive.
object:taggedAs:mirroredBy:(ATClosure, ATTable, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The object:taggedAs:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
offline() - Method in class edu.vub.at.actors.net.Network
def offline() { make the interpreter go offline; return nil } Invoking this method causes remote references to become disconnected.
online() - Method in class edu.vub.at.actors.net.Network
def online() { make the interpreter go online; return nil } After invoking this method, publications and subscriptions can interact with those of remote VMs.
or:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Returns true if the receiver is true or the result of the evaluation of the other boolean expression passed as argument if the receiver is false.
or:or:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Boolean
Auxiliary function: def boolean.or: b1 or: b2 { (boolean.or: b1).or: b2 }


parameters() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Returns the parameter list of the method which is normally a table of symbols.
parameters() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MultiAssignment
The left-hand side of the assignment must be a literal table.
parameters() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MultiDefinition
The left-hand side of the definition must be a literal table.
parentTypeExpressions() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefType
A type can have zero, one or more parent types.
parseNumeric() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Tries to convert the text into a numeric object (a number or a fraction).
pass() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies object serialization.
print() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the act of printing the base object in the read-eval-print loop.
print(ATObject[]) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
def print(@obj) { print obj to standard output }
print:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The print: metaprogramming construct.
println(ATObject[]) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
def println(@obj) { self.print(@[@obj, '\n']) }
process(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.AsyncMessage
This method is responsible for processing the message in a certain actor.
provide(ATTypeTag, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This mechanism is the most basic mechanism to provide a service.


quote(ATContext) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the quotation of abstract grammar elements.
Quote - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a quotation AG element.


raise:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The raise: exception construct.
read:(ATText) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The read: metaprogramming construct.
readField() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Field
Returns the current value of the field.
readNextLine:catch:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.System
readNextLine: { |line| ... } catch: { |ioException| ... } Reads the next line on the input stream, represented by an ATText or nil if EOF has been reached.
receive(ATObject, ATAsyncMessage) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
When an actor receives an asynchronous message for a given receiver, it will delegate this to the meta-level 'receive' operation of the designated object.
receive(ATAsyncMessage) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the act of receiving an asynchronous message.
receiver() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.Letter
Returns the receiver of the letter
receiver() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Context
Returns the receiver (self pseudovariable) in the current context.
receiver() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalField
The receiver must be a literal symbol.
receiver() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalMethod
Example: `{ def o.m() { 5 } }.statements[1].receiver == `o
receiverExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignField
The receiver expression may be any valid AmbientTalk expression.
receiverExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MessageSend
The receiver may be any valid AmbientTalk expression Example: `(f().m()).getReceiverExpression() == `(f())
receiverExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Selection
The receiver may be any valid AmbientTalk expression Example: `(o.
reflect:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The reflect: construct.
reflectOnActor() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
reflectOnActor evaluates to the mirror on the actor executing this code.
removeSlot(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This structural meta-level operation removes a slot from the object.
replace:by:(ATText, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Returns a new text replacing those elements of this text that match a given regular expression with the value resulting of the evaluation of a given closure.
require(ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATBoolean) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This mechanism is the most basic mechanism to require a service.
resolve() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies object deserialization.
respondsTo(ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level method is used to determine whether an object has a field or method corresponding to the given selector, without actually invoking or selecting any value associated with that selector.
retract:(ATFarReference) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The retract: farReference construct.
root() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
root evaluates to the global lexical scope object.
round() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the closest number to the fraction.


schedule(ATObject, ATAsyncMessage) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This mechanism allows for changing the scheduling semantics of the actor's inbox.
seconds() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Converts an AmbientTalk number representing a time period in seconds into a Java long * 1000 representing a time period in milliseconds.
select(ATObject, ATSymbol) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This meta-level operation reifies first-class field or method selection.
select(ATNumber, ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Table
Selects the subrange of the table specified by the given limits.
Selection - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a selection AG element.
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Message
Returns the selector of message.
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalMethod
Example: `{ def o.m() { 5 } }.statements[1].selector == `m
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefMethod
The selector must be a literal symbol.
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Lookup
The selector must be a literal symbol Example: `(&x).selector == `x Example: `(&x:=).selector == `x:=
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MessageCreation
Messages always have a selector, a symbol denoting the field or method that needs to be sought for.
selector() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Selection
The selector must be a literal symbol Example: `(o.
send(ATObject, ATAsyncMessage) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This method implements the default asynchronous message sending semantics for this particular actor.
send(ATObject, ATAsyncMessage) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
This behavioural meta-level operation reifies the act of sending an asynchronous message.
sendTo(ATObject, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Message
Sends this message to a particular receiver object.
serve() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.actors.ActorMirror
This method fetches and processes the next letter from the inbox.
share:with:(ATObject, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The share:with: object creation primitive.
share:with:mirroredBy:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The share:with:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
share:with:taggedAs:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATTable) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The share:with:taggedAs: object creation primitive.
share:with:taggedAs:mirroredBy:(ATObject, ATClosure, ATTable, ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The share:with:taggedAs:mirroredBy: object creation primitive.
sin() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the trigonometric sine of the numeric data type representing an angle in radians.
sizeExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefTable
The size may be any valid AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a number Example: `{ def tab[5] { m() } }.statements[1].sizeExpression == `5
Splice - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The ATSplice interface represents the 'splice' @exp AG element.
split(ATText) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Splits a text according to the given regular expression.
sqrt() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the positive square root of the numeric data type.
stackTrace() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Exception
Returns the stack trace in a string-based representation
stackTrace:=(NATText) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Exception
Assigns a new stack trace to this exception.
statement() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Quote
The quoted statement Example: `(`(1+2)).statement == `(1.+(2))
Statement - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
ATStatement is the common interface of all statement AG elements.
statements() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Begin
The statements table contains zero or more statements.
subtractFraction(ATFraction) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of the subtracting the receiver from a fraction passed as argument.
subtractNumber(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of subtracting the receiver from a number passed as argument.
super() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Object
Bound to the dynamic parent of this object.
superTypes() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.TypeTag
Returns a table with the supertypes of this type tag.
Symbol - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a symbol reference AG element.
System - Class in edu.vub.at.objects.natives
Instances of this class represent the 'system' object, accessible from the lexical root during execution of 'iat'.


Table - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATTable is the public interface to a native AmtientTalk table (an array).
tableExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignTable
The table may be any AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a native table.
tableExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Tabulation
The table expression must evaluate to a native table Example: `(m()[idx+1]).tableExpression == `(m())
Tabulation - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to a tabulation AG element.
tagsOf:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The tagsOf: object construct.
takeOffline:(ATObject) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The takeOffline: construct.
tan() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the trigonometric tangent of the numeric data type representing an angle in radians.
Text - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
ATText is the public interface to a native AmbientTalk string (a string of characters).
text() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.Symbol
Transform a symbol into a string.
timesFraction(ATFraction) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of multiplying the receiver by a fraction passed as argument.
timesNumber(ATNumber) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Returns the value resulting of multiplying the receiver by a number passed as argument.
to:do:(ATNumber, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Iterates from the value of the receiver to the one passed as argument applying a closure.
to:step:do:(ATNumber, ATNumber, ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Number
Iterates from the value of the receiver to the one passed as argument applying a closure.
toLowerCase() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Converts all of the characters in this text to lower case.
toNumber() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Converts a single AmbientTalk character (i.e. a text of length 1) into its corresponding numeric Unicode value.
toText() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Numeric
Converts the numeric value into a text string.
toUpperCase() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Converts all of the characters in this text to upper case.
true() - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
true evaluates to the unique boolean true object.
try:catch:using:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} catch: type using: { |e| replacementCode } 'Syntactic sugar' for one "in-line", native handler.
try:catch:using:catch:using:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try:catch:using:catch:using: construct.
try:catch:using:catch:using:catch:using:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try:catch:using:catch:using:catch:using: construct.
try:catch:using:catch:using:catch:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try:catch:using:catch:using:catch:using:finally: construct.
try:catch:using:catch:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try:catch:using:catch:using:finally: construct.
try:catch:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATTypeTag, ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} catch: type using: { |e| replacementCode } finally: { finallyBlock } 'Syntactic sugar' for one "in-line", native handler.
try:finally:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock } finally: { finallyBlock } construct.
try:using:(ATClosure, ATHandler) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: handler construct.
try:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATHandler, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: handler finally: { finallyBlock } construct.
try:using:using:(ATClosure, ATHandler, ATHandler) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: handler1 using: handler2 construct.
try:using:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATHandler, ATHandler, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: handler1 using: handler2 finally: { finallyBlock } construct.
try:using:using:using:(ATClosure, ATHandler, ATHandler, ATHandler) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: hdl1 using: hdl2 using: hdl3 construct.
try:using:using:using:finally:(ATClosure, ATHandler, ATHandler, ATHandler, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock} using: hdl1 using: hdl2 using: hdl3 finally: { finallyBlock } construct.
try:usingHandlers:(ATClosure, ATTable) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock } usingHandlers: [ handler1, handler2, ... ] construct.
try:usingHandlers:finally:(ATClosure, ATTable, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The try: { tryBlock } usingHandlers: [ handler1, handler2, ... ] finally: { finallyBlock } construct.
typeName() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.TypeTag
Returns the name of this type tag.
typeName() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefType
The name of the type to be defined must be a literal symbol Example: `{ deftype foo }.statements[1].typeName == `foo
TypeTag - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects
The public interface to a native type tag object.
typeTags() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.MirrorRoot
Returns all of the local type tags of this object.


Unquote - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to an unquotation AG element.
UnquoteSplice - Interface in edu.vub.at.objects.grammar
The public interface to an unquote-splice AG element.


valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignField
The value expression may be any valid AmbientTalk expression.
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignTable
The value expression may be any valid AmbientTalk expression Example: `{ tab[idx] := 5}.statements[1].valueExpression == `5
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.AssignVariable
The value expression may be any valid AmbientTalk expression.
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefExternalField
The value may be any AmbientTalk expression.
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.DefField
The value expression may be any valid AmbientTalk expression.
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MultiAssignment
The right-hand side of the assignment may be any valid AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a native table Example: `{ [ x, y ] := [ y, x ] }.statements[1].valueExpression == `[y, x]
valueExpression() - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.grammar.MultiDefinition
The right-hand side of the definition may be any valid AmbientTalk expression that evaluates to a native table Example: `{ def [ x, y ] := [ y, x ] }.statements[1].valueExpression == `[y, x]


when:discovered:(ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The when: topic discovered: handler construct.
when:takenOffline:(ATFarReference, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The when: farReference takenOffline: construct.
whenever:disconnected:(ATFarReference, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The whenever: farReference disconnected: listener construct.
whenever:discovered:(ATTypeTag, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The whenever: topic discovered: handler construct.
whenever:reconnected:(ATFarReference, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The whenever: farReference reconnected: listener construct.
while:do:(ATClosure, ATClosure) - Method in class edu.vub.at.objects.natives.LexicalRoot
The while:do: control structure.
whileTrue:(ATClosure) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Closure
Allows AmbientTalk programmers to write { booleanCondition }.whileTrue: { body } which will execute body as long as the boolean condition evaluates to true.
withDynamicReceiver(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Context
Returns a new context object for the given dynamic receiver.
withLexicalEnvironment(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Context
Returns a new context object for a given scope.
wrap(ATObject, ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Method
Wrap the receiver method into a closure which packs together the code (method) and the scope (context) in which the code should be evaluated.
writeField(ATObject) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Field
Sets the value of the field if possible.


~=(ATText) - Method in interface edu.vub.at.objects.Text
Attempts to match this text against a given regular expression.

! % * + - / < = > ? A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W ~