Interface OWLDataRange

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange
All Known Subinterfaces:
OWLDataComplementOf, OWLDataOneOf, OWLDataRangeRestriction, OWLDataType

public interface OWLDataRange
extends OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006 A high level interface which represents a data range. Example of data ranges are datatypes (e.g. int, float, double, string, ...), complements of data ranges (e.g. not(int)), data enumerations (data oneOfs), datatype restrictions (e.g. int > 3).

Method Summary
 void accept(OWLDataVisitor visitor)
<O> O
accept(OWLDataVisitorEx<O> visitor)
 boolean isDataType()
          Determines if this data range is a datatype (int, float, ...)

Method Detail


boolean isDataType()
Determines if this data range is a datatype (int, float, ...)

true if this datarange is a datatype, or false if it is not a datatype and is some other data range such as a data range restriction, data oneOf or data complementOf.


void accept(OWLDataVisitor visitor)


<O> O accept(OWLDataVisitorEx<O> visitor)