Interface OWLDataRangeRestriction

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLDataRange, OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange

public interface OWLDataRangeRestriction
extends OWLDataRange

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006

Method Summary
 OWLDataRange getDataRange()
          Gets the data range that this data range restricts.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataRangeFacetRestriction> getFacetRestrictions()
          Gets the facet restrictions on this data range
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLDataRange
accept, accept, isDataType

Method Detail


OWLDataRange getDataRange()
Gets the data range that this data range restricts.


java.util.Set<OWLDataRangeFacetRestriction> getFacetRestrictions()
Gets the facet restrictions on this data range

A Set of facet restrictions that apply to this data range