Interface OWLIndividual

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLEntity, OWLNamedObject, OWLObject
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface OWLIndividual
extends OWLEntity, OWLNamedObject

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group
Date: 25-Oct-2006

Represents a named or anonymous individual.

Method Summary
 java.util.Map<OWLDataPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLConstant>> getDataPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
          Gets the data property values for this individual
 java.util.Set<OWLIndividual> getDifferentIndividuals(OWLOntology ontology)
          A convenience method that examines axioms in the specified ontology to determine the individuals that are asserted to be different to this individual.
 java.util.Map<OWLDataPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLConstant>> getNegativeDataPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
          Gets the data property values that are explicitly asserted NOT to hold for this individual
 java.util.Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLIndividual>> getNegativeObjectPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
          Gets the object property values that are explicitly asserted NOT to hold for this individual
 java.util.Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLIndividual>> getObjectPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
          Gets the object property values for this individual.
 java.util.Set<OWLIndividual> getSameIndividuals(OWLOntology ontology)
          A convenience method that examines axioms in the specified ontology to determine the individuals that are asserted to be the same as this individual.
 java.util.Set<OWLDescription> getTypes(OWLOntology ontology)
          A convenience method, which gets the types of this individual, that correspond to the types asserted with axioms in the specified ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDescription> getTypes(java.util.Set<OWLOntology> ontologies)
          A convenience method that gets the types of this individual by examining the specified ontologies.
 boolean isAnonymous()
          Determines if this object represents an anonymous individual.
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLEntity
accept, accept, asOWLClass, asOWLDataProperty, asOWLDataType, asOWLIndividual, asOWLObjectProperty, getAnnotationAxioms, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, isOWLClass, isOWLDataProperty, isOWLDataType, isOWLIndividual, isOWLObjectProperty
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLNamedObject
accept, getURI

Method Detail


boolean isAnonymous()
Determines if this object represents an anonymous individual.

true if this object represents an anonymous individual (OWLAnonymousIndividual) or false if this object represents a named individual (OWLIndividual)


java.util.Set<OWLDescription> getTypes(OWLOntology ontology)
A convenience method, which gets the types of this individual, that correspond to the types asserted with axioms in the specified ontology.

ontology - The ontology that should be examined for class assertion axioms in order to get the types for this individual.
A set of descriptions that correspond the asserted types of this individual in the specified ontology.


java.util.Set<OWLDescription> getTypes(java.util.Set<OWLOntology> ontologies)
A convenience method that gets the types of this individual by examining the specified ontologies.

ontologies - The ontologies to be examined for class assertions
A set of descriptions that represent the types of this individual as asserted in the specified ontologies.


java.util.Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLIndividual>> getObjectPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the object property values for this individual.

A map, which maps object properties to sets of individuals.


java.util.Map<OWLObjectPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLIndividual>> getNegativeObjectPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the object property values that are explicitly asserted NOT to hold for this individual

ontology - The ontology that should be examined for axioms
A map containing the negative object property values


java.util.Map<OWLDataPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLConstant>> getDataPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the data property values for this individual


java.util.Map<OWLDataPropertyExpression,java.util.Set<OWLConstant>> getNegativeDataPropertyValues(OWLOntology ontology)
Gets the data property values that are explicitly asserted NOT to hold for this individual

ontology - The ontology that should be examined for axioms
A map containing the negative data property values


java.util.Set<OWLIndividual> getSameIndividuals(OWLOntology ontology)
A convenience method that examines axioms in the specified ontology to determine the individuals that are asserted to be the same as this individual.

Individuals that have been asserted to be the same as this individual.


java.util.Set<OWLIndividual> getDifferentIndividuals(OWLOntology ontology)
A convenience method that examines axioms in the specified ontology to determine the individuals that are asserted to be different to this individual.

ontology -