Class NamedConjunctChecker

  extended by org.semanticweb.owl.util.NamedConjunctChecker

public class NamedConjunctChecker
extends java.lang.Object

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group
Date: 16-Feb-2007

A utility class which checks if a class expression has a named conjunct or a specific named conjunct.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.util.Set<OWLClass> getNamedConjuncts(OWLDescription description)
          Gets the named conjuncts for the specified description.
 boolean hasNamedConjunct(OWLDescription description)
          Checks whether the specified description has a named conjunct.
 boolean isNamedConjunct(OWLClass conjunct, OWLDescription description)
          Checks whether a named class is a conjunct in a given class description.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NamedConjunctChecker()
Method Detail


public boolean isNamedConjunct(OWLClass conjunct,
                               OWLDescription description)
Checks whether a named class is a conjunct in a given class description. For class expressions which aren't named classes or object intersections this method will always return false.

conjunct - The conjunct to check for
description - The description to be checked


public boolean hasNamedConjunct(OWLDescription description)
Checks whether the specified description has a named conjunct. For For class expressions which aren't named classes or object intersections this method will always return false.

description - The description to be checked.
true if the description is in fact a named class (OWLClass) or if the description is an intersection that has a named operand (included nested intersections), otherwise false


public java.util.Set<OWLClass> getNamedConjuncts(OWLDescription description)
Gets the named conjuncts for the specified description.

description - The description whose conjuncts are to be retrieved.
A set containing the named conjuncts of the specified description. If the description is not a named class or an intersection then the set will definitely be empty.