Interface OWLDataRange

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange, SWRLPredicate
All Known Subinterfaces:
OWLDataComplementOf, OWLDataIntersectionOf, OWLDataOneOf, OWLDatatype, OWLDatatypeRestriction, OWLDataUnionOf, OWLNaryDataRange
All Known Implementing Classes:
OWLDataComplementOfImpl, OWLDataIntersectionOfImpl, OWLDataOneOfImpl, OWLDatatypeImpl, OWLDatatypeRestrictionImpl, OWLDataUnionOfImpl, OWLNaryDataRangeImpl

public interface OWLDataRange
extends OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange, SWRLPredicate

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006

Represents a DataRange in the OWL 2 Specification.

A high level interface which represents a data range. Example of data ranges are datatypes (e.g. int, float, double, string, ...), complements of data ranges (e.g. not(int)), data enumerations (data oneOfs), datatype restrictions (e.g. int > 3).

Method Summary
 void accept(OWLDataRangeVisitor visitor)
<O> O
accept(OWLDataRangeVisitorEx<O> visitor)
 void accept(OWLDataVisitor visitor)
<O> O
accept(OWLDataVisitorEx<O> visitor)
 OWLDatatype asOWLDatatype()
          If this data range is a datatype then this method may be used to obtain it as a datatype (rather than using an explicit cast).
 DataRangeType getDataRangeType()
          Gets the type of this data range
 boolean isDatatype()
          Determines if this data range is a datatype (int, float, ...)
 boolean isTopDatatype()
          Determines if this data range is the top data type.

Method Detail


boolean isDatatype()
Determines if this data range is a datatype (int, float, ...)

true if this datarange is a datatype, or false if it is not a datatype and is some other data range such as a data range restriction, data oneOf or data complementOf.


boolean isTopDatatype()
Determines if this data range is the top data type.

true if this data range is the top datatype otherwise false


OWLDatatype asOWLDatatype()
If this data range is a datatype then this method may be used to obtain it as a datatype (rather than using an explicit cast).

This data range as an OWLDatatype


DataRangeType getDataRangeType()
Gets the type of this data range

The data range type


void accept(OWLDataVisitor visitor)


<O> O accept(OWLDataVisitorEx<O> visitor)


void accept(OWLDataRangeVisitor visitor)


<O> O accept(OWLDataRangeVisitorEx<O> visitor)