Interface OWLDatatype

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLDataRange, OWLEntity, OWLLogicalEntity, OWLNamedObject, OWLObject, OWLPropertyRange, SWRLPredicate
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OWLDatatype
extends OWLDataRange, OWLLogicalEntity, OWLNamedObject

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006

Represents a Datatype (named data range) in the OWL 2 Specification.

Method Summary
 OWL2Datatype getBuiltInDatatype()
          Gets the built in datatype information if this datatype is a built in datatype.
 boolean isBoolean()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:boolean
 boolean isDouble()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:double
 boolean isFloat()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:float
 boolean isInteger()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:integer
 boolean isRDFPlainLiteral()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI rdf:PlainLiteral
 boolean isString()
          Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:string
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLDataRange
accept, accept, accept, accept, asOWLDatatype, getDataRangeType, isDatatype, isTopDatatype
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLEntity
accept, accept, asOWLAnnotationProperty, asOWLClass, asOWLDataProperty, asOWLDatatype, asOWLNamedIndividual, asOWLObjectProperty, getAnnotationAssertionAxioms, getAnnotations, getAnnotations, getEntityType, getOWLEntity, getReferencingAxioms, getReferencingAxioms, isBuiltIn, isOWLAnnotationProperty, isOWLClass, isOWLDataProperty, isOWLDatatype, isOWLNamedIndividual, isOWLObjectProperty, isType, toStringID
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLNamedObject
accept, getIRI

Method Detail


OWL2Datatype getBuiltInDatatype()
Gets the built in datatype information if this datatype is a built in datatype. This method should only be called if the isBuiltIn() method returns true

The OWLDatatypeVocabulary that describes this built in datatype
OWLRuntimeException - if this datatype is not a built in datatype.


boolean isString()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:string

true if this datatype has the IRI xsd:string, otherwise false.


boolean isInteger()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:integer

true if this datatype has the IRI xsd:integer, otherwise false.


boolean isFloat()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:float

true if this datatype has the IRI xsd:float, otherwise false.


boolean isDouble()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:double

true if this datatype has the IRI xsd:double, otherwise false.


boolean isBoolean()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI xsd:boolean

true if this datatype has the IRI xsd:boolean, otherwise false.


boolean isRDFPlainLiteral()
Determines if this datatype has the IRI rdf:PlainLiteral

true if this datatype has the IRI rdf:PlainLiteral otherwise false