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Papers on AmbientTalk

Below you can find a number of selected scientific publications about the AmbientTalk programming language.

  • T. Van Cutsem, S. Mostinckx, E. Gonzalez Boix, J. Dedecker, W. De Meuter. AmbientTalk: object-oriented event-driven programming in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, SCCC 2007, November 2007, Iquique, Chile. [ download ]
This paper gives a general overview of the AmbientTalk/2 language and explains the rationale behind its concurrent and distributed language design. It is a good start for people who are completely new to the language. This paper does build upon the ECOOP2006 paper on Ambient-oriented Programming, but can also be read stand-alone.
  • T. Van Cutsem, S. Mostinckx, W. De Meuter. Linguistic Symbiosis between Actors and Threads. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamic Languages, co-located with ESUG, August 2007, Lugano, Switzerland. [ download ]
This paper is about AmbientTalk's “language symbiosis” with Java. In other words, it explains how AmbientTalk programs can interface with other code running on the JVM. In particular, we discuss the interplay between AmbientTalk event loops and Java threads. The paper briefly describes AmbientTalk, but it is not recommended as the first paper to read about the language.
  • S. Mostinckx, T. Van Cutsem, S. Timbermont, E. Tanter. Mirages: Behavioral Intercession in a Mirror-based Architecture. In Proceedings of the third Dynamic Languages Symposium, co-located with OOPSLA 2007, October 2007, Montreal, Canada. [ download ]
This paper is about the reflective architecture of AmbientTalk. If you're interested in the design rationale behind AmbientTalk's metaobject protocol, this paper is for you. The AmbientTalk language is briefly described, but it's not recommended to read this paper first if you're new to AmbientTalk.
research/atpapers.1185951087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/06/17 08:52 (external edit)