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The following pages contains research topics conducted within the Ambient-Oriented Programming Paradigm. In order to experiment with novel language abstractions, AmbientTalk has been actively used as the technical vehicle in which several PhD theses have been executed:

  • Ambient-Oriented Programming Jessie Dedecker, 2006
  • Ambient References: Object Designation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Tom Van Cutsem, 2008
  • Modularising Context Dependency and Group Behaviour in Ambient-oriented Programming 
Jorge Vallejos, 2011
  • Ambient-Oriented Dataflow Programming for Mobile RFID-Enabled Applications 
Andoni Lombide Carreton, 2011
  • Handling Partial Failures in Mobile Ad hoc Network Applications: From Programming Language Design to Tool Support 
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, 2012
  • Reactive Method Dispatch for Context-Oriented Programming 
Engineer Bainomugisha, 2012 
  • Workflow Abstractions for Orchestrating Services in Nomadic Networks 
Eline Philips, 2013 
  • Ambient Contracts 
Christophe Scholliers, 2013 
research/home.1423074231.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 19:25 (external edit)