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The following pages contains research topics conducted within the Ambient-Oriented Programming Paradigm. In order to experiment with novel language abstractions, AmbientTalk has been actively used as the technical vehicle in which several PhD theses have been executed.

The information on the research topics is by now outdated. Please check the resulting PhD theses for further info:

  • Ambient-Oriented Programming Jessie Dedecker, 2006
  • Ambient References: Object Designation in Mobile Ad hoc Networks Tom Van Cutsem, 2008
  • Modularising Context Dependency and Group Behaviour in Ambient-oriented Programming 
Jorge Vallejos, 2011
  • Ambient-Oriented Dataflow Programming for Mobile RFID-Enabled Applications 
Andoni Lombide Carreton, 2011
  • Handling Partial Failures in Mobile Ad hoc Network Applications: From Programming Language Design to Tool Support 
Elisa Gonzalez Boix, 2012
  • Reactive Method Dispatch for Context-Oriented Programming 
Engineer Bainomugisha, 2012 
  • Workflow Abstractions for Orchestrating Services in Nomadic Networks 
Eline Philips, 2013 
  • Ambient Contracts 
Christophe Scholliers, 2013 
research/home.1423074301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/04 19:33 (external edit)