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  • Profiles: each Flockr has a Profile. There is a minimal set of properties that are present in each Profile (such that Proximities (e.g. a “doesProfileMatch” Proximity) can be defined based on these properties).
  • Profile Dude: manages the Profiles. Is responsible of propagating “changed events” to the other “reachable” Flockrs.
  • Changed events: when a Flockr modifies his Profile, the Profile Dude broadcasts a change event to all other Flockrs. In reaction to these events, all connected Flockrs should re-evaluate their Proximities such that the Flocks can reflect the change in the Profile.
  • Caching: Each Flockr keeps a cached Profile of the other Flockrs such that the Profile can be consulted offline. When a Flockr is connected for which there is a cached Profile, he should propagate the necessary changed events to make sure that both the cached Profile and the Flocks of the other Flockrs are updated.


  • Profile
  • Profile Dude
  • Flockr
  • Proximity
uf/profiles.1220261496.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/09/05 11:24 (external edit)