Interface OWLReasonerFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OWLReasonerFactory

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 21-Jan-2009

An OWLReasonerFactory is a point for creating instances of OWLReasoner objects. A reasoner reasons over a set of ontologies that is defined by an ontology and its imports closure.

See Also:

Method Summary
 OWLReasoner createNonBufferingReasoner(OWLOntology ontology)
          Creates an OWLReasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology.
 OWLReasoner createNonBufferingReasoner(OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasonerConfiguration config)
          Creates an OWLReasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology.
 OWLReasoner createReasoner(OWLOntology ontology)
          Creates a buffering reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology.
 OWLReasoner createReasoner(OWLOntology ontology, OWLReasonerConfiguration config)
          Creates a buffering reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology.
 java.lang.String getReasonerName()
          Gets the name of the reasoner created by this factory.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getReasonerName()
Gets the name of the reasoner created by this factory.

A string that represents the name of the reasoner created by this factory.


OWLReasoner createNonBufferingReasoner(OWLOntology ontology)
Creates an OWLReasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. The reasoner will obtain the imports closure from the ontology manager associated with ontology. The reasoner will listen for ontology changes to the ontologies that it is reasoning over and will always answer queries with respect to the changed ontologies (see OWLReasoner for further details).

ontology - The ontology whose imports closure will be reasoned over by the reasoner that is created.
The reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. Note that calling this method multiple times with the same manager and ontology will return fresh instances of OWLReasoner.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the manager or ontology are null.


OWLReasoner createReasoner(OWLOntology ontology)
Creates a buffering reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. The reasoner will obtain the imports closure from the ontology manager associated with ontology. The reasoner will listen for ontology changes to the ontologies it is reasoning over but will only answer queries with respect to the changed ontologies when the OWLReasoner.flush() method is called (see OWLReasoner for further details).

ontology - The ontology whose imports closure will be reasoned over by the reasoner that is created.
The reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. Note that calling this method multiple times with the same manager and ontology will return fresh instances of OWLReasoner.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the manager or ontology are null.


OWLReasoner createNonBufferingReasoner(OWLOntology ontology,
                                       OWLReasonerConfiguration config)
                                       throws IllegalConfigurationException
Creates an OWLReasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. The reasoner will obtain the imports closure from the ontology manager associated with ontology. The reasoner will listen for ontology changes to the ontologies that it is reasoning over and will always answer queries with respect to the changed ontologies (see OWLReasoner for further details).

ontology - The ontology whose imports closure will be reasoned over by the reasoner that is created.
config - A configuration object that can be used to customise the setup of the reasoner that will be created by calling this method.
The reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. Note that calling this method multiple times with the same manager and ontology will return fresh instances of OWLReasoner.
IllegalConfigurationException - if the configuration object is inappropriate for reasoners created by this factory, or if there is an illegal setting on the configuration.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if any of manager, ontology or config are null.


OWLReasoner createReasoner(OWLOntology ontology,
                           OWLReasonerConfiguration config)
                           throws IllegalConfigurationException
Creates a buffering reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. The reasoner will obtain the imports closure from the ontology manager associated with ontology. The reasoner will listen for ontology changes to the ontologies it is reasoning over but will only answer queries with respect to the changed ontologies when the OWLReasoner.flush() method is called (see OWLReasoner for further details).

ontology - The ontology whose imports closure will be reasoned over by the reasoner that is created.
config - A configuration object that can be used to customise the setup of the reasoner that will be created by calling this method.
The reasoner that reasons over the imports closure of the specified ontology. Note that calling this method multiple times with the same manager and ontology will return fresh instances of OWLReasoner.
IllegalConfigurationException - if the configuration object is inappropriate for reasoners created by this factory, or if there is an illegal setting on the configuration.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if any of manager, ontology or config are null.