Interface OWLReasonerConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OWLReasonerConfiguration

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 21-Jan-2009

An OWLReasonerConfiguration can be used to customise the setup of a reasoner at reasoner creation time via an OWLReasonerFactory. Specific reasoners may define their own configuration objects with configuration options particular to the reasoner. There are also a set of general options defined by this configuration object.

Note that once a reasoner has been created, changing fields (via setter methods or directly) on the configuration object will have no effect.

See Also:
org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasonerFactory}, org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.SimpleConfiguration}

Method Summary
 FreshEntityPolicy getFreshEntityPolicy()
          Gets the fresh entity policy that should be used.
 IndividualNodeSetPolicy getIndividualNodeSetPolicy()
          Gets the IndividualNodeSetPolicy which determines how NodeSets of named individuals are returned from the reasoner.
 ReasonerProgressMonitor getProgressMonitor()
          Gets a progress monitor that the reasoner may update with information about the progress of its reasoning process.
 long getTimeOut()
          Gets the timeout in milliseconds for basic single reasoner operations (satisfiability check time out).

Method Detail


ReasonerProgressMonitor getProgressMonitor()
Gets a progress monitor that the reasoner may update with information about the progress of its reasoning process.

A progress monitor. By default this returns NullReasonerProgressMonitor


long getTimeOut()
Gets the timeout in milliseconds for basic single reasoner operations (satisfiability check time out). If the value is equal to Long.MAX_VALUE then this means that the reasoner should never time out.

The reasoner will monitor the elapsed time during a satisfiability check (attempt to build a model for example) and if the elapsed time exceeds the timeout then it will abort the test as soon as possible and terminate all reasoning. A TimeOutException will be thrown in the thread that invoked the last reasoner operation.

Note that this is not a timeout for method calls such as "getSubClasses", which may involve many satisfiability (or other basic reasoning task) checks, the sum of which may well exceed the timeout.

The time out in milliseconds. By default this is set to the value of Long.MAX_VALUE, which means the reasoner SHOULD NOT timeout.


FreshEntityPolicy getFreshEntityPolicy()
Gets the fresh entity policy that should be used. By default this is set to FreshEntityPolicy.ALLOW.

The fresh entity policy.


IndividualNodeSetPolicy getIndividualNodeSetPolicy()
Gets the IndividualNodeSetPolicy which determines how NodeSets of named individuals are returned from the reasoner.

The IndividualNodeSetPolicy that should be used. By default the policy is IndividualNodeSetPolicy.BY_NAME i.e. by default individuals that are the same as each other are not grouped into the same node within a node set.