Interface OWLOntology

All Superinterfaces:
java.lang.Comparable<OWLObject>, OWLObject
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OWLOntology
extends OWLObject

Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Bio-Health Informatics Group Date: 24-Oct-2006

Represents an OWL 2 Ontology in the OWL 2 specification.

An OWLOntology consists of a possibly empty set of OWLAxioms and a possibly empty set of OWLAnnotations. An ontology can have an ontology IRI which can be used to identify the ontology. If it has an ontology IRI then it may also have an ontology version IRI. Since OWL 2, an ontology need not have an ontology IRI. (See the OWL 2 Structural Specification).

An ontology cannot be modified directly. Changes must be applied via its OWLOntologyManager.

Method Summary
 boolean containsAnnotationPropertyInSignature(IRI owlAnnotationPropertyIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLAnnotationProperty with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsAnnotationPropertyInSignature(IRI owlAnnotationPropertyIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLAnnotationProperty that has the specified IRI.
 boolean containsAxiom(OWLAxiom axiom)
          Determines if this ontology contains the specified axiom.
 boolean containsAxiom(OWLAxiom axiom, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if this ontology, and possibly the imports closure, contains the specified axiom.
 boolean containsAxiomIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom)
          Determines if this ontology contains the specified axiom, but ignoring any annotations on this axiom.
 boolean containsAxiomIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if this ontology and possibly its imports closure contains the specified axiom but ignoring any annotations on this axiom.
 boolean containsClassInSignature(IRI owlClassIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLClass with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsClassInSignature(IRI owlClassIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLClass that has the specified IRI.
 boolean containsDataPropertyInSignature(IRI owlDataPropertyIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDataProperty with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsDataPropertyInSignature(IRI owlDataPropertyIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLDataProperty that has the specified IRI.
 boolean containsDatatypeInSignature(IRI owlDatatypeIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDatatype with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsDatatypeInSignature(IRI owlDatatypeIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLDatatype that has the specified IRI.
 boolean containsEntityInSignature(IRI entityIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsEntityInSignature(IRI entityIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology and possibly its imports closure contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsEntityInSignature(OWLEntity owlEntity)
          Determines if the signature of the ontology contains the specified entity.
 boolean containsEntityInSignature(OWLEntity owlEntity, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, and possibly the signature of any of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains the specified entity.
 boolean containsIndividualInSignature(IRI owlIndividualIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLNamedIndividual with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsIndividualInSignature(IRI owlIndividualIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLNamedIndividual that has the specified IRI.
 boolean containsObjectPropertyInSignature(IRI owlObjectPropertyIRI)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLObjectProperty with the specified IRI.
 boolean containsObjectPropertyInSignature(IRI owlObjectPropertyIRI, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLObjectProperty that has the specified IRI.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom> getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(OWLAnnotationSubject entity)
          Gets the axioms that annotate the specified entity.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationProperty> getAnnotationPropertiesInSignature()
          Gets the annotation properties that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom> getAnnotationPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
          Gets the OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxioms where the specified property is the property in the domain axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom> getAnnotationPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
          Gets the OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxioms where the specified property is the property in the range axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotation> getAnnotations()
          Gets the annotations on this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom> getAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property asymmetric.
 int getAxiomCount()
          Gets the number of axioms in this ontology.
<T extends OWLAxiom>
getAxiomCount(AxiomType<T> axiomType)
          Gets the axiom count of a specific type of axiom
<T extends OWLAxiom>
getAxiomCount(AxiomType<T> axiomType, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the axiom count of a specific type of axiom, possibly in the imports closure of this ontology
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxioms()
          Retrieves all of the axioms in this ontology.
<T extends OWLAxiom>
getAxioms(AxiomType<T> axiomType)
          Gets the axioms which are of the specified type.
<T extends OWLAxiom>
getAxioms(AxiomType<T> axiomType, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the axioms which are of the specified type.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationAxiom> getAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
          Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an annotation property.
 java.util.Set<OWLClassAxiom> getAxioms(OWLClass cls)
          Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of a class.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyAxiom> getAxioms(OWLDataProperty prop)
          Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of a data property.
 java.util.Set<OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom> getAxioms(OWLDatatype datatype)
          Gets the datatype definition axioms for the specified datatype
 java.util.Set<OWLIndividualAxiom> getAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an individual
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyAxiom> getAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop)
          Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an object property.
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxiomsIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom)
          Gets the set of axioms contained in this ontology that have the same "logical structure" as the specified axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxiomsIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the set of axioms contained in this ontology that have the same "logical structure" as the specified axiom, possibly searching the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLClassAssertionAxiom> getClassAssertionAxioms(OWLClass ce)
          Gets the OWLClassAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified class expression, ce, a type for some individual.
 java.util.Set<OWLClassAssertionAxiom> getClassAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLClassAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual an instance of some class expression.
 java.util.Set<OWLClass> getClassesInSignature()
          Gets the classes that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLClass> getClassesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the classes that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesInSignature()
          Gets the data properties that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the data properties that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom> getDataPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom> getDataPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
          Gets the OWLDataPropertyDomainAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom> getDataPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
          Gets the OWLDataPropertyRangeAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom> getDataSubPropertyAxiomsForSubProperty(OWLDataProperty subProperty)
          Gets the OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms where the sub-property is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom> getDataSubPropertyAxiomsForSuperProperty(OWLDataPropertyExpression superProperty)
          Gets the OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms where the super-property (returned by OWLSubPropertyAxiom.getSuperProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom> getDatatypeDefinitions(OWLDatatype datatype)
          Gets the OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxioms contained in this ontology that provide a definition for the specified datatype.
 java.util.Set<OWLDatatype> getDatatypesInSignature()
          Gets the datatypes that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDatatype> getDatatypesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the datatypes that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDeclarationAxiom> getDeclarationAxioms(OWLEntity subject)
          Gets the declaration axioms for specified entity.
 java.util.Set<OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom> getDifferentIndividualAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLDifferentIndividualsAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual different to some other individual.
 java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getDirectImports()
          Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the directlyImports relation.
 java.util.Set<IRI> getDirectImportsDocuments()
          Gets the set of document IRIs that are directly imported by this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLDisjointClassesAxiom> getDisjointClassesAxioms(OWLClass cls)
          Gets the set of disjoint class axioms that contain the specified class as an operand.
 java.util.Set<OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom> getDisjointDataPropertiesAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
          Gets the OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property disjoint with some other data property expression(s).
 java.util.Set<OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom> getDisjointObjectPropertiesAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property disjoint with some other object property expression(s).
 java.util.Set<OWLDisjointUnionAxiom> getDisjointUnionAxioms(OWLClass owlClass)
          Gets the set of disjoint union axioms that have the specified class as the named class that is equivalent to the disjoint union of operands.
 java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getEntitiesInSignature(IRI iri)
          Gets the entities in the signature of this ontology that have the specified IRI.
 java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getEntitiesInSignature(IRI iri, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the entities in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the signature of the imports closure of this ontology, that have the specified IRI.
 java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom> getEquivalentClassesAxioms(OWLClass cls)
          Gets all of the equivalent axioms in this ontology that contain the specified class as an operand.
 java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom> getEquivalentDataPropertiesAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
          Gets the OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property equivalent to some other data property expression(s).
 java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom> getEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property equivalent to some other object property expression(s).
 java.util.Set<OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom> getFunctionalDataPropertyAxioms(OWLDataPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified data property functional.
 java.util.Set<OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom> getFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property functional.
 java.util.Set<OWLClassAxiom> getGeneralClassAxioms()
          Gets the set of general axioms in this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLHasKeyAxiom> getHasKeyAxioms(OWLClass cls)
          Gets the has key axioms that have the specified class as their subject.
 java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getImports()
          Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the transitive closure of the directlyImports relation.
 java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getImportsClosure()
          Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the reflexive transitive closure of the directlyImports relation as defined in Section 3.4 of the OWL 2 Structural Specification.
 java.util.Set<OWLImportsDeclaration> getImportsDeclarations()
          Gets the set of imports declarations for this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getIndividualsInSignature()
          Gets the individuals that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getIndividualsInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the individuals that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom> getInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property inverse functional.
 java.util.Set<OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom> getInverseObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxioms where the specified property is contained in the set returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties().
 java.util.Set<OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property irreflexive.
 int getLogicalAxiomCount()
          Gets the number of logical axioms in this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> getLogicalAxioms()
          Gets all of the axioms in the ontology that affect the logical meaning of the ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxiom> getNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> getNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesInSignature()
          Gets the object properties that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the object properties that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> getObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom> getObjectPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom> getObjectPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom> getObjectSubPropertyAxiomsForSubProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression subProperty)
          Gets the OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms where the sub-property is equal to the specified property.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom> getObjectSubPropertyAxiomsForSuperProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression superProperty)
          Gets the OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms where the super-property (returned by OWLSubPropertyAxiom.getSuperProperty()) is equal to the specified property.
 OWLOntologyID getOntologyID()
          Gets the identity of this ontology (i.e.
 OWLOntologyManager getOWLOntologyManager()
          Gets the manager that created this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLAnonymousIndividual> getReferencedAnonymousIndividuals()
          Gets the referenced anonymous individuals
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLAnonymousIndividual individual)
          Gets the axioms that reference the specified anonymous individual
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLEntity owlEntity)
          Gets the axioms where the specified entity appears in the signature of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLEntity owlEntity, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the axioms where the specified entity appears in the signature of the axiom.
 java.util.Set<OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getReflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property reflexive.
 java.util.Set<OWLSameIndividualAxiom> getSameIndividualAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
          Gets the OWLSameIndividualAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual the same as some other individual.
 java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getSignature()
          Gets the entities that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Gets the entities that are in the signature of this ontology.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom> getSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty subProperty)
          Gets the SubAnnotationPropertyOfAxioms where the specified property is the sub-property.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(OWLClass cls)
          Gets all of the subclass axioms where the left hand side (the subclass) is equal to the specified class.
 java.util.Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> getSubClassAxiomsForSuperClass(OWLClass cls)
          Gets all of the subclass axioms where the right hand side (the superclass) is equal to the specified class.
 java.util.Set<OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom> getSymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property symmetric.
 java.util.Set<OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getTransitiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
          Gets the OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property transitive.
 boolean isAnonymous()
          Determines whether or not this ontology is anonymous.
 boolean isDeclared(OWLEntity owlEntity)
          Determines if this ontology declares an entity i.e.
 boolean isDeclared(OWLEntity owlEntity, boolean includeImportsClosure)
          Determines if this ontology or its imports closure declares an entity i.e.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Determines if this ontology is empty - an ontology is empty if it does not contain any axioms (i.e.
Methods inherited from interface org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLObject
accept, accept, getNestedClassExpressions, isBottomEntity, isTopEntity
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


OWLOntologyManager getOWLOntologyManager()
Gets the manager that created this ontology. The manager is used by various methods on OWLOntology to resolve imports

The manager that created this ontology.


OWLOntologyID getOntologyID()
Gets the identity of this ontology (i.e. ontology IRI + version IRI).

The ID of this ontology.


boolean isAnonymous()
Determines whether or not this ontology is anonymous. An ontology is anonymous if it does not have an ontology IRI.

true if this ontology is anonymous, otherwise false


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotation> getAnnotations()
Gets the annotations on this ontology.

A set of annotations on this ontology. The set returned will be a copy - modifying the set will have no effect on the annotations in this ontology, similarly, any changes that affect the annotations on this ontology will not change the returned set.


java.util.Set<IRI> getDirectImportsDocuments()
                                             throws UnknownOWLOntologyException
Gets the set of document IRIs that are directly imported by this ontology. This corresponds to the IRIs defined by the directlyImportsDocument association as discussed in Section 3.4 of the OWL 2 Structural specification.

The set of directlyImportsDocument IRIs.
UnknownOWLOntologyException - If this ontology is no longer managed by its manager because it was removed from the manager.


java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getDirectImports()
                                            throws UnknownOWLOntologyException
Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the directlyImports relation. See Section 3.4 of the OWL 2 specification for the definition of the directlyImports relation.

Note that there may be fewer ontologies in the set returned by this method than there are IRIs in the set returned by the getDirectImportsDocuments() method. This will be the case if some of the ontologies that are directly imported by this ontology are not loaded for what ever reason.

A set of ontologies such that for this ontology O, and each ontology O' in the set, (O, O') is in the directlyImports relation.
UnknownOWLOntologyException - If this ontology is no longer managed by its manager because it was removed from the manager.


java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getImports()
                                      throws UnknownOWLOntologyException
Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the transitive closure of the directlyImports relation.

For example, if this ontology imports ontology B, and ontology B imports ontology C, then this method will return the set consisting of ontology B and ontology C.

The set of ontologies that this ontology is related to via the transitive closure of the directlyImports relation. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
UnknownOWLOntologyException - if this ontology is no longer managed by its manager because it was removed from the manager.


java.util.Set<OWLOntology> getImportsClosure()
                                             throws UnknownOWLOntologyException
Gets the set of loaded ontologies that this ontology is related to via the reflexive transitive closure of the directlyImports relation as defined in Section 3.4 of the OWL 2 Structural Specification. (i.e. The set returned includes all ontologies returned by the getImports() method plus this ontology.)

For example, if this ontology imports ontology B, and ontology B imports ontology C, then this method will return the set consisting of this ontology, ontology B and ontology C.

The set of ontologies in the reflexive transitive closure of the directlyImports relation.
UnknownOWLOntologyException - If this ontology is no longer managed by its manager because it was removed from the manager.


java.util.Set<OWLImportsDeclaration> getImportsDeclarations()
Gets the set of imports declarations for this ontology. The set returned represents the set of IRIs that correspond to the set of IRIs in an ontology's directlyImportsDocuments (see Section 3 in the OWL 2 structural specification).

The set of imports declarations that correspond to the set of ontology document IRIs that are directly imported by this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


boolean isEmpty()
Determines if this ontology is empty - an ontology is empty if it does not contain any axioms (i.e. getAxioms() returns the empty set), and it does not have any annotations (i.e. getAnnotations() returns the empty set).

true if the ontology is empty, otherwise false.


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxioms()
Retrieves all of the axioms in this ontology. Note that to test whether or not this ontology is empty (i.e. contains no axioms, the isEmpty method is preferred over getAxioms().isEmpty(). )

The set of all axioms in this ontology, including logical axioms and annotation axioms. The set that is returned is a copy of the axioms in the ontology - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is recommended that the containsAxiom method is used to determine whether or not this ontology contains a particular axiom rather than using getAxioms().contains().


int getAxiomCount()
Gets the number of axioms in this ontology.

The number of axioms in this ontology.


java.util.Set<OWLLogicalAxiom> getLogicalAxioms()
Gets all of the axioms in the ontology that affect the logical meaning of the ontology. In other words, this method returns all axioms that are not annotation axioms, or declaration axioms.

A set of axioms which are of the type OWLLogicalAxiom The set that is returned is a copy of the axioms in the ontology - it will not be updated if the ontology changes.


int getLogicalAxiomCount()
Gets the number of logical axioms in this ontology.

The number of axioms in this ontology.


<T extends OWLAxiom> java.util.Set<T> getAxioms(AxiomType<T> axiomType)
Gets the axioms which are of the specified type.

axiomType - The type of axioms to be retrived.
A set containing the axioms which are of the specified type. The set that is returned is a copy of the axioms in the ontology - it will not be updated if the ontology changes.


<T extends OWLAxiom> java.util.Set<T> getAxioms(AxiomType<T> axiomType,
                                                boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the axioms which are of the specified type.

axiomType - The type of axioms to be retrived.
includeImportsClosure - if true then axioms of the specified type will also be retrieved from the imports closure of this ontology, if false then axioms of the specified type will only be retrieved from this ontology.
A set containing the axioms which are of the specified type. The set that is returned is a copy of the axioms in the ontology (and its imports closure) - it will not be updated if the ontology changes.


<T extends OWLAxiom> int getAxiomCount(AxiomType<T> axiomType)
Gets the axiom count of a specific type of axiom

axiomType - The type of axiom to count
The number of the specified types of axioms in this ontology


<T extends OWLAxiom> int getAxiomCount(AxiomType<T> axiomType,
                                       boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the axiom count of a specific type of axiom, possibly in the imports closure of this ontology

axiomType - The type of axiom to count
includeImportsClosure - Specifies that the imports closure should be included when counting axioms
The number of the specified types of axioms in this ontology


boolean containsAxiom(OWLAxiom axiom)
Determines if this ontology contains the specified axiom.

axiom - The axiom to test for.
true if the ontology contains the specified axioms, or false if the ontology doesn't contain the specified axiom.


boolean containsAxiom(OWLAxiom axiom,
                      boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if this ontology, and possibly the imports closure, contains the specified axiom.

axiom - The axiom to test for.
includeImportsClosure - if true the imports closure of this ontology will be searched for the specific axiom, if false just this ontology will be searched.
true if the ontology contains the specified axioms, or false if the ontology doesn't contain the specified axiom.


boolean containsAxiomIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom)
Determines if this ontology contains the specified axiom, but ignoring any annotations on this axiom. For example, if the ontology contains SubClassOf(Annotation(p V) A B) then this method will return true if the ontology contains SubClassOf(A B) or SubClassOf(Annotation(q S) A B) for any annotation property q and any annotation value S.

axiom - The axiom to test for.
true if this ontology contains this axiom with or without annotations.


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxiomsIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom)
Gets the set of axioms contained in this ontology that have the same "logical structure" as the specified axiom.

axiom - The axiom that specifies the logical structure of the axioms to retrieve. If this axiom is annotated then the annotations are ignored.
A set of axioms such that for any two axioms, axiomA and axiomB in the set, axiomA.getAxiomWithoutAnnotations() is equal to axiomB.getAxiomWithoutAnnotations(). The specified axiom will be contained in the set.


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getAxiomsIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom,
                                                   boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the set of axioms contained in this ontology that have the same "logical structure" as the specified axiom, possibly searching the imports closure of this ontology.

axiom - The axiom that specifies the logical structure of the axioms to retrieve. If this axiom is annotated then the annotations are ignored.
includeImportsClosure - if true then axioms in the imports closure of this ontology are returned, if false only axioms in this ontology will be returned.
A set of axioms such that for any two axioms, axiomA and axiomB in the set, axiomA.getAxiomWithoutAnnotations() is equal to axiomB.getAxiomWithoutAnnotations(). The specified axiom will be contained in the set.


boolean containsAxiomIgnoreAnnotations(OWLAxiom axiom,
                                       boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if this ontology and possibly its imports closure contains the specified axiom but ignoring any annotations on this axiom. For example, if the ontology contains SubClassOf(Annotation(p V) A B) then this method will return true if the ontology contains SubClassOf(A B) or SubClassOf(Annotation(q S) A B) for any annotation property q and any annotation value S.

axiom - The axiom to test for.
includeImportsClosure - if true the imports closure of this ontology will be searched for the specified axiom. If false only this ontology will be searched for the specifed axiom.
true if this ontology contains this axiom with or without annotations.


java.util.Set<OWLClassAxiom> getGeneralClassAxioms()
Gets the set of general axioms in this ontology. This includes:

The set that is returned is a copy of the axioms in the ontology - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getSignature()
Gets the entities that are in the signature of this ontology. The signature of an ontology is the set of entities that are used to build axioms and annotations in the ontology. (See The OWL 2 Structural Specification)

Specified by:
getSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of OWLEntity objects. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:
getClassesInSignature(), getObjectPropertiesInSignature(), getDataPropertiesInSignature(), getIndividualsInSignature()


java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the entities that are in the signature of this ontology. The signature of an ontology is the set of entities that are used to build axioms and annotations in the ontology. (See The OWL 2 Structural Specification)

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether or not the returned set of entities should represent the signature of just this ontology, or the signature of the imports closure of this ontology.
A set of OWLEntity objects. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:
getClassesInSignature(), getObjectPropertiesInSignature(), getDataPropertiesInSignature(), getIndividualsInSignature()


java.util.Set<OWLClass> getClassesInSignature()
Gets the classes that are in the signature of this ontology.

Specified by:
getClassesInSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of named classes, which are referenced by any axiom in this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLClass> getClassesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the classes that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether classes should be drawn from the signature of just this ontology or the imports closure of this ontology. If true then the set of classes returned will correspond to the union of the classes in the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. If false then the set of classes returned will correspond to the classes that are in the signature of this just this ontology.
A set of classes that are in the signature of this ontology and possibly the union of the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesInSignature()
Gets the object properties that are in the signature of this ontology.

Specified by:
getObjectPropertiesInSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of object properties which are in the signature of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLObjectProperty> getObjectPropertiesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the object properties that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether object properties should be drawn from the signature of just this ontology or the imports closure of this ontology. If true then the set of object properties returned will correspond to the union of the object properties in the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. If false then the set of object properties returned will correspond to the object properties that are in the signature of this just this ontology.
A set of object properties that are in the signature of this ontology and possibly the union of the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesInSignature()
Gets the data properties that are in the signature of this ontology.

Specified by:
getDataPropertiesInSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of data properties, which are in the signature of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLDataProperty> getDataPropertiesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the data properties that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether data properties should be drawn from the signature of just this ontology or the imports closure of this ontology. If true then the set of data properties returned will correspond to the union of the data properties in the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. If false then the set of data properties returned will correspond to the data properties that are in the signature of this just this ontology.
A set of data properties that are in the signature of this ontology and possibly the union of the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getIndividualsInSignature()
Gets the individuals that are in the signature of this ontology.

Specified by:
getIndividualsInSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of individuals, which are in the signature of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLNamedIndividual> getIndividualsInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the individuals that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether individuals should be drawn from the signature of just this ontology or the imports closure of this ontology. If true then the set of individuals returned will correspond to the union of the individuals in the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. If false then the set of individuals returned will correspond to the individuals that are in the signature of this just this ontology.
A set of individuals that are in the signature of this ontology and possibly the union of the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLAnonymousIndividual> getReferencedAnonymousIndividuals()
Gets the referenced anonymous individuals

The set of referenced anonymous individuals


java.util.Set<OWLDatatype> getDatatypesInSignature()
Gets the datatypes that are in the signature of this ontology.

Specified by:
getDatatypesInSignature in interface OWLObject
A set of datatypes, which are in the signature of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLDatatype> getDatatypesInSignature(boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the datatypes that are in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the imports closure of this ontology.

includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether datatypes should be drawn from the signature of just this ontology or the imports closure of this ontology. If true then the set of datatypes returned will correspond to the union of the datatypes in the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. If false then the set of datatypes returned will correspond to the datatypes that are in the signature of this just this ontology.
A set of datatypes that are in the signature of this ontology and possibly the union of the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationProperty> getAnnotationPropertiesInSignature()
Gets the annotation properties that are in the signature of this ontology.

A set of annotation properties, which are in the signature of this ontology. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.
See Also:


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLEntity owlEntity)
Gets the axioms where the specified entity appears in the signature of the axiom. The set that is returned, contains all axioms that directly reference the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity that should be directly referred to by an axiom that appears in the results set.
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLEntity owlEntity,
                                             boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the axioms where the specified entity appears in the signature of the axiom. The set that is returned, contains all axioms that directly reference the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity that should be directly referred to by an axiom that appears in the results set.
includeImportsClosure - Specifies if the axioms returned should just be from this ontology, or from the imports closure of this ontology. If true the axioms returned will be from the imports closure of this ontology, if false the axioms returned will just be from this ontology.
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLAxiom> getReferencingAxioms(OWLAnonymousIndividual individual)
Gets the axioms that reference the specified anonymous individual

individual - The individual
The axioms that reference the specified anonymous individual


boolean containsEntityInSignature(OWLEntity owlEntity)
Determines if the signature of the ontology contains the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity
true if the signature of this ontology contains owlEntity, otherwise false.


boolean containsEntityInSignature(OWLEntity owlEntity,
                                  boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, and possibly the signature of any of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity
includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether the imports closure should be examined for the entity reference or not.
true if the ontology contains a reference to the specified entity, otherwise false The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


boolean containsEntityInSignature(IRI entityIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.

entityIRI - The IRI to test for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.


boolean containsEntityInSignature(IRI entityIRI,
                                  boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology and possibly its imports closure contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.

entityIRI - The IRI to test for.
includeImportsClosure - Specifies whether the imports closure of this ontology should be examined or not.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if the signature of this ontology or the signature of an ontology in the imports closure of this ontology contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains a class, object property, data property, named individual, annotation property or datatype with the specified IRI.


boolean isDeclared(OWLEntity owlEntity)
Determines if this ontology declares an entity i.e. it contains a declaration axiom for the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity to be tested for
true if the ontology contains a declaration for the specified entity, otherwise false.


boolean isDeclared(OWLEntity owlEntity,
                   boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if this ontology or its imports closure declares an entity i.e. contains a declaration axiom for the specified entity.

owlEntity - The entity to be tested for
includeImportsClosure - true if the imports closure of this ontology should be examined, false if just this ontology should be examined.
true if the ontology or its imports closure contains a declaration for the specified entity, otherwise false.


boolean containsClassInSignature(IRI owlClassIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLClass with the specified IRI.

owlClassIRI - The IRI of the OWLClass to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLClass that has owlClassIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsClassInSignature(IRI owlClassIRI,
                                 boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLClass that has the specified IRI.

owlClassIRI - The IRI of the class to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLClass with owlClassIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports clousre of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLClass that has owlClassIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlClassIRI as its IRI.


boolean containsObjectPropertyInSignature(IRI owlObjectPropertyIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLObjectProperty with the specified IRI.

owlObjectPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLObjectProperty to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLObjectProperty that has owlObjectPropertyIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsObjectPropertyInSignature(IRI owlObjectPropertyIRI,
                                          boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLObjectProperty that has the specified IRI.

owlObjectPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLObjectProperty to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLObjectProperty with owlObjectPropertyIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports clousre of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLObjectProperty that has owlObjectPropertyIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlObjectPropertyIRI as its IRI.


boolean containsDataPropertyInSignature(IRI owlDataPropertyIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDataProperty with the specified IRI.

owlDataPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLDataProperty to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDataProperty that has owlDataPropertyIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsDataPropertyInSignature(IRI owlDataPropertyIRI,
                                        boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLDataProperty that has the specified IRI.

owlDataPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLDataProperty to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLDataProperty with owlDataPropertyIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports clousre of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDataProperty that has owlDataPropertyIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlDataPropertyIRI as its IRI.


boolean containsAnnotationPropertyInSignature(IRI owlAnnotationPropertyIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLAnnotationProperty with the specified IRI.

owlAnnotationPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLAnnotationProperty to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLAnnotationProperty that has owlAnnotationPropertyIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsAnnotationPropertyInSignature(IRI owlAnnotationPropertyIRI,
                                              boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLAnnotationProperty that has the specified IRI.

owlAnnotationPropertyIRI - The IRI of the OWLAnnotationProperty to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLAnnotationProperty with owlAnnotationPropertyIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports clousre of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLAnnotationProperty that has owlAnnotationPropertyIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlAnnotationPropertyIRI as its IRI.


boolean containsIndividualInSignature(IRI owlIndividualIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLNamedIndividual with the specified IRI.

owlIndividualIRI - The IRI of the OWLNamedIndividual to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLNamedIndividual that has owlIndividualIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsIndividualInSignature(IRI owlIndividualIRI,
                                      boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLNamedIndividual that has the specified IRI.

owlIndividualIRI - The IRI of the OWLNamedIndividual to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLNamedIndividual with owlIndividualIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports closure of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLNamedIndividual that has owlIndividualIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlIndividualIRI as its IRI.


boolean containsDatatypeInSignature(IRI owlDatatypeIRI)
Determines if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDatatype with the specified IRI.

owlDatatypeIRI - The IRI of the OWLDatatype to check for.
true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDatatype that has owlDatatypeIRI as its IRI, otherwise false.


boolean containsDatatypeInSignature(IRI owlDatatypeIRI,
                                    boolean includeImportsClosure)
Determines if the signature of this ontology, or possibly the signature of one of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology, contains an OWLDatatype that has the specified IRI.

owlDatatypeIRI - The IRI of the OWLDatatype to check for
includeImportsClosure - true if the signature of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should be checked, false if just the signature of this ontology should be chekced.
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns true if there is an OWLDatatype with owlDatatypeIRI as its IRI in the signature of at least one ontology in the imports closure of this ontology and false if this is not the case. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns true if the signature of this ontology contains an OWLDatatype that has owlDatatypeIRI as its IRI and false if the signature of this ontology does not contain a class with owlDatatypeIRI as its IRI.


java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getEntitiesInSignature(IRI iri)
Gets the entities in the signature of this ontology that have the specified IRI.

iri - The IRI of the entities to be retrieved.
A set of entities that are in the signature of this ontology that have the specified IRI. The set will be empty if there are no entities in the signature of this ontology with the specified IRI.


java.util.Set<OWLEntity> getEntitiesInSignature(IRI iri,
                                                boolean includeImportsClosure)
Gets the entities in the signature of this ontology, and possibly the signature of the imports closure of this ontology, that have the specified IRI.

iri - The IRI of the entitied to be retrieved.
includeImportsClosure - Specifies if the signatures of the ontologies in the imports closure of this ontology should also be taken into account
If includeImportsClosure=true then returns a set of entities that are in the signature of this ontology or the signature of an ontology in the imports closure of this ontology that have iri as their IRI. If includeImportsClosure=false then returns the entities in the signature of just this ontology that have iri as their IRI.


java.util.Set<OWLClassAxiom> getAxioms(OWLClass cls)
Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of a class.

cls - The class whose describing axioms are to be retrieved.
A set of class axioms that describe the class. This set includes
  • Subclass axioms where the subclass is equal to the specified class
  • Equivalent class axioms where the specified class is an operand in the equivalent class axiom
  • Disjoint class axioms where the specified class is an operand in the disjoint class axiom
  • Disjoint union axioms, where the specified class is the named class that is equivalent to the disjoint union
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyAxiom> getAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression prop)
Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an object property.

prop - The property whose defining axioms are to be retrieved.
A set of object property axioms that includes
  • Sub-property axioms where the sub property is equal to the specified property
  • Equivalent property axioms where the axiom contains the specified property
  • Equivalent property axioms that contain the inverse of the specified property
  • Disjoint property axioms that contain the specified property
  • Domain axioms that specify a domain of the specified property
  • Range axioms that specify a range of the specified property
  • Any property characteristic axiom (i.e. Functional, Symmetric, Reflexive etc.) whose subject is the specified property
  • Inverse properties axioms that contain the specified property
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyAxiom> getAxioms(OWLDataProperty prop)
Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of a data property.

prop - The property whose defining axioms are to be retrieved.
A set of data property axioms that includes
  • Sub-property axioms where the sub property is equal to the specified property
  • Equivalent property axioms where the axiom contains the specified property
  • Disjoint property axioms that contain the specified property
  • Domain axioms that specify a domain of the specified property
  • Range axioms that specify a range of the specified property
  • Any property characteristic axiom (i.e. Functional, Symmetric, Reflexive etc.) whose subject is the specified property
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLIndividualAxiom> getAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an individual

individual - The individual whose defining axioms are to be retrieved.
A set of individual axioms that includes
  • Individual type assertions that assert the type of the specified individual
  • Same individuals axioms that contain the specified individual
  • Different individuals axioms that contain the specified individual
  • Object property assertion axioms whose subject is the specified individual
  • Data property assertion axioms whose subject is the specified individual
  • Negative object property assertion axioms whose subject is the specified individual
  • Negative data property assertion axioms whose subject is the specified individual
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes.


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationAxiom> getAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
Gets the axioms that form the definition/description of an annotation property.

property - The property whose definition axioms are to be retrieved
A set of axioms that includes
  • Annotation subpropertyOf axioms where the specified property is the sub property
  • Annotation property domain axioms that specify a domain for the specified property
  • Annotation property range axioms that specify a range for the specified property


java.util.Set<OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom> getAxioms(OWLDatatype datatype)
Gets the datatype definition axioms for the specified datatype

datatype - The datatype
The set of datatype definition axioms for the specified datatype


java.util.Set<OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxiom> getSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty subProperty)
Gets the SubAnnotationPropertyOfAxioms where the specified property is the sub-property.

subProperty - The sub-property of the axioms to be retrieved.
A set of OWLSubAnnotationPropertyOfAxioms such that the sub-property is equal to subProperty.


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxiom> getAnnotationPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
Gets the OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxioms where the specified property is the property in the domain axiom.

property - The property that the axiom specifies a domain for.
A set of OWLAnnotationPropertyDomainAxioms such that the property is equal to property.


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxiom> getAnnotationPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLAnnotationProperty property)
Gets the OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxioms where the specified property is the property in the range axiom.

property - The property that the axiom specifies a range for.
A set of OWLAnnotationPropertyRangeAxioms such that the property is equal to property.


java.util.Set<OWLDeclarationAxiom> getDeclarationAxioms(OWLEntity subject)
Gets the declaration axioms for specified entity.

subject - The entity that is the subject of the set of returned axioms.
The set of declaration axioms. Note that this set will be a copy and will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to iterate over this set while making changes to the ontology.


java.util.Set<OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom> getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(OWLAnnotationSubject entity)
Gets the axioms that annotate the specified entity.

entity - The entity whose annotations are to be retrieved.
The set of entity annotation axioms. Note that this set will be a copy and will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to iterate over this set while making changes to the ontology.


java.util.Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> getSubClassAxiomsForSubClass(OWLClass cls)
Gets all of the subclass axioms where the left hand side (the subclass) is equal to the specified class.

cls - The class that is equal to the left hand side of the axiom (subclass).
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLSubClassOfAxiom> getSubClassAxiomsForSuperClass(OWLClass cls)
Gets all of the subclass axioms where the right hand side (the superclass) is equal to the specified class.

cls - The class
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom> getEquivalentClassesAxioms(OWLClass cls)
Gets all of the equivalent axioms in this ontology that contain the specified class as an operand.

cls - The class
A set of equivalent class axioms that contain the specified class as an operand. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDisjointClassesAxiom> getDisjointClassesAxioms(OWLClass cls)
Gets the set of disjoint class axioms that contain the specified class as an operand.

cls - The class that should be contained in the set of disjoint class axioms that will be returned.
The set of disjoint axioms that contain the specified class. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDisjointUnionAxiom> getDisjointUnionAxioms(OWLClass owlClass)
Gets the set of disjoint union axioms that have the specified class as the named class that is equivalent to the disjoint union of operands. For example, if the ontology contained the axiom DisjointUnion(A, propP some C, D, E) this axiom would be returned for class A (but not for D or E).

owlClass - The class that indexes the axioms to be retrieved.
The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLHasKeyAxiom> getHasKeyAxioms(OWLClass cls)
Gets the has key axioms that have the specified class as their subject.

cls - The subject of the has key axioms
The set of has key axioms that have cls as their subject. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom> getObjectSubPropertyAxiomsForSubProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression subProperty)
Gets the OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms where the sub-property is equal to the specified property.

subProperty - The property which is equal to the sub property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SubObjectPropertyOf(subProperty, pe). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxiom> getObjectSubPropertyAxiomsForSuperProperty(OWLObjectPropertyExpression superProperty)
Gets the OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms where the super-property (returned by OWLSubPropertyAxiom.getSuperProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

superProperty - The property which is equal to the super-property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLSubObjectPropertyOfAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SubObjectPropertyOf(pe, superProperty). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom> getObjectPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

property - The property which is equal to the property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ObjectPropertyDomain(pe, ce). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom> getObjectPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

property - The property which is equal to the property of the retieved axioms.
A set of OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ObjectPropertyRange(property, ce). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxiom> getInverseObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxioms where the specified property is contained in the set returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties().

property - The property which is equal to the property of the retrieved axioms.
A set of OWLInverseObjectPropertiesAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form InverseObjectProperties(property, pe) or InverseObjectProperties(pe, property). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom> getEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property equivalent to some other object property expression(s).

property - The property that the retrieved axioms make equivalent to some other property expressions. For each axiom retrieved the set of properties returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties() will contain property.
A set of OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form EquivalentObjectProperties(pe0, ..., property, ..., pen). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxiom> getDisjointObjectPropertiesAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property disjoint with some other object property expression(s).

property - The property that the retrieved axioms makes disjoint to some other property expressions. For each axiom retrieved the set of properties returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties() will contain property.
A set of OWLDisjointObjectPropertiesAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DisjointObjectProperties(pe0, ..., property, ..., pen). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom> getFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property functional.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made functional by the axioms.
A set of OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form FunctionalObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxiom> getInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLInverseFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property inverse functional.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made inverse functional by the axioms.
A set of OWLFunctionalObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form InverseFunctionalObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom> getSymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property symmetric.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made symmetric by the axioms.
A set of OWLSymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SymmetricObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxiom> getAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property asymmetric.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made asymmetric by the axioms.
A set of OWLAsymmetricObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form AsymmetricObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getReflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property reflexive.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made reflexive by the axioms.
A set of OWLReflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ReflexiveObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property irreflexive.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made irreflexive by the axioms.
A set of OWLIrreflexiveObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form IrreflexiveObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxiom> getTransitiveObjectPropertyAxioms(OWLObjectPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified object property transitive.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made transitive by the axioms.
A set of OWLTransitiveObjectPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form TransitiveObjectProperty(property).


java.util.Set<OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom> getDataSubPropertyAxiomsForSubProperty(OWLDataProperty subProperty)
Gets the OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms where the sub-property is equal to the specified property.

subProperty - The property which is equal to the sub property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SubDataPropertyOf(subProperty, pe). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxiom> getDataSubPropertyAxiomsForSuperProperty(OWLDataPropertyExpression superProperty)
Gets the OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms where the super-property (returned by OWLSubPropertyAxiom.getSuperProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

superProperty - The property which is equal to the super-property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLSubDataPropertyOfAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SubDataPropertyOf(pe, superProperty). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom> getDataPropertyDomainAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
Gets the OWLDataPropertyDomainAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

property - The property which is equal to the property of the retrived axioms.
A set of OWLDataPropertyDomainAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DataPropertyDomain(pe, ce). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom> getDataPropertyRangeAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
Gets the OWLDataPropertyRangeAxioms where the property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) is equal to the specified property.

property - The property which is equal to the property of the retieved axioms.
A set of OWLDataPropertyRangeAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DataPropertyRange(property, ce). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxiom> getEquivalentDataPropertiesAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
Gets the OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property equivalent to some other data property expression(s).

property - The property that the retrieved axioms make equivalent to some other property expressions. For each axiom retrieved the set of properties returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties() will contain property.
A set of OWLEquivalentDataPropertiesAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form EquivalentDataProperties(pe0, ..., property, ..., pen). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxiom> getDisjointDataPropertiesAxioms(OWLDataProperty property)
Gets the OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxioms that make the specified property disjoint with some other data property expression(s).

property - The property that the retrieved axioms makes disjoint to some other property expressions. For each axiom retrieved the set of properties returned by OWLNaryPropertyAxiom.getProperties() will contain property.
A set of OWLDisjointDataPropertiesAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DisjointDataProperties(pe0, ..., property, ..., pen). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxiom> getFunctionalDataPropertyAxioms(OWLDataPropertyExpression property)
Gets the OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified data property functional.

property - The property (returned by OWLUnaryPropertyAxiom.getProperty()) that is made functional by the axioms.
A set of OWLFunctionalDataPropertyAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form FunctionalDataProperty(property). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLClassAssertionAxiom> getClassAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLClassAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual an instance of some class expression.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms make an instance of some class expression.
A set of OWLClassAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ClassAssertion(ce, individual) (for each axiom OWLClassAssertionAxiom.getIndividual() is equal to individual). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLClassAssertionAxiom> getClassAssertionAxioms(OWLClass ce)
Gets the OWLClassAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified class expression, ce, a type for some individual.

ce - The class expression that the returned axioms make a type for some individual.
A set of OWLClassAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ClassAssertion(ce, ind) (for each axiom OWLClassAssertionAxiom.getClassExpression() is equal to ce). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxiom> getDataPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms have as a subject.
A set of OWLDataPropertyAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DataPropertyAssertion(dp, individual, l) (for each axiom OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom.getSubject() is equal to individual). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> getObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms have as a subject.
A set of OWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form ObjectPropertyAssertion(dp, individual, obj) (for each axiom OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom.getSubject() is equal to individual). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom> getNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms have as a subject.
A set of OWLNegativeObjectPropertyAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion(dp, individual, obj) (for each axiom OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom.getSubject() is equal to individual). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxiom> getNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxioms contained in this ontology that have the specified individual as the subject of the axiom.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms have as a subject.
A set of OWLNegativeDataPropertyAssertionAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form NegativeDataPropertyAssertion(dp, individual, obj) (for each axiom OWLPropertyAssertionAxiom.getSubject() is equal to individual). The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLSameIndividualAxiom> getSameIndividualAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLSameIndividualAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual the same as some other individual.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms make the same as some other individual.
A set of OWLSameIndividualAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form SameIndividual(individual, ind, ...) (for each axiom returned OWLNaryIndividualAxiom.getIndividuals() contains individual. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDifferentIndividualsAxiom> getDifferentIndividualAxioms(OWLIndividual individual)
Gets the OWLDifferentIndividualsAxioms contained in this ontology that make the specified individual different to some other individual.

individual - The individual that the returned axioms make the different as some other individual.
A set of OWLDifferentIndividualsAxioms such that each axiom in the set is of the form DifferentIndividuals(individual, ind, ...) (for each axiom returned OWLNaryIndividualAxiom.getIndividuals() contains individual. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.


java.util.Set<OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom> getDatatypeDefinitions(OWLDatatype datatype)
Gets the OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxioms contained in this ontology that provide a definition for the specified datatype.

datatype - The datatype for which the returned axioms provide a definition.
A set of OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxioms such that for each axiom in the set OWLDatatypeDefinitionAxiom.getDatatype() is equal to datatype. The set that is returned is a copy - it will not be updated if the ontology changes. It is therefore safe to apply changes to this ontology while iterating over this set.