All solutions for session 5.
Exercise 1: the Julia Fractal
void drawJulia(double cx, double cy) { double x, y, t; int k; for (double i=-2; i<2; i+=4.0/width) for (double j=-2; j<2; j+=4.0/height) { x=i; y=j; for (k=0; k<30; k++) { t = x*x-y*y+cx; y = 2*x*y+cy; x = t; if (x*x+y*y>=4) break; } stroke(colorscheme[k]); point((int)((i+2)*width/4), (int)((j+2)*height/4)); } }

Exercise 2: the Mandelbrot Fractal
void drawMandelBrot() { double x, y, t, cx, cy; int k; for (double i=-2; i<2; i+=4.0/width) for (double j=-2; j<2; j+=4.0/height) { x=0; y=0; // difference with Julia: reset to 0,0 cx=i; cy=j; // new c value for (k=0; k<30; k++) { t = x*x-y*y+cx; y = 2*x*y+cy; x = t; if (x*x+y*y>=4) break; } stroke(colorscheme[k]); point((int)((i+2)*width/4), (int)((j+2)*height/4)); } }