Exercises Computer Graphics

Session 7 - 3D Projections Solutions



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Solutions for session 7.


Source code for all solutions.

Exercise 1: projecting 3D coordinates onto a 2D plane

The equation of a line in 3D given two points p0 and p1 is:

p = p0 + t*(p1-p0)

with t being a real number. The intersection of this line with the plane z = d then equals:

  x = ( (d - z0) / (z1 - z0) ) * (x1 - x0) + x0
  y = ( (d - z0) / (z1 - z0) ) * (y1 - y0) + y0
  z = ( (d - z0) / (z1 - z0) ) * (z1 - z0) + z0 = d

Scaling and translating to screen coordinates gives:

x = (int)( (( (x1-x0)*(d - z0))/(z1 - z0) + x0) * width + width/2);
y = (int)( ((-(y1-y0)*(d - z0))/(z1 - z0) + y0) * height + height/2);

Negating the y-coordinate is necessary to mirror the figure along the Y-axis (on our Processing screen, the y-coordinates increase from the top, in our 3D world model it is the other way around). The point (x0,y0,z0) is considered the viewpoint. The projection is defined as follows:

// in Point3D class:
Point3D project(Point3D eye, double zoom) {
    double newx = (x - eye.x)*(zoom - eye.z) / (z - eye.z) + eye.x;
    double newy = (y - eye.y)*(zoom - eye.z) / (z - eye.z) + eye.y;
    double newz = zoom;
    return new Point3D(newx,newy,newz);
// in Polygon class:
void draw(Point3D eye, double zoom) {
    for (int i=0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
      Point3D p = vertices[i].project(eye, zoom);
      int x = (int) ( p.x * width + width/2 );
      int y = (int) ( -p.y * height + height/2 );

Exercise 2: Perspective Projection of a cube

Cube construction:

Figure makeCube() {
      Point3D a = new Point3D(0,0,0);
      Point3D b = new Point3D(1,0,0);
      Point3D c = new Point3D(1,1,0);
      Point3D d = new Point3D(0,1,0);
      Point3D e = new Point3D(0,0,1);
      Point3D f = new Point3D(1,0,1);
      Point3D g = new Point3D(1,1,1);
      Point3D h = new Point3D(0,1,1);

      Polygon[] faces = new Polygon[6];
      faces[0] = makeQuad(a,b,f,e);
      faces[1] = makeQuad(b,c,g,f);
      faces[2] = makeQuad(c,g,h,d);
      faces[3] = makeQuad(a,d,h,e);
      faces[4] = makeQuad(e,f,g,h);
      faces[5] = makeQuad(a,b,c,d);
      return new Figure(faces);

Exercise 3: Rotation

Rotation of a 3D point with coordinates (x,y,z):

Point3D rotateX(double angle) {
   double cos = Math.cos(angle);
   double sin = Math.sin(angle);
   double nx = x;
   double ny = y * cos + z * sin;
   double nz = - y * sin + z * cos;
   return new Point3D(nx,ny,nz);

Point3D rotateY(double angle) {
   double cos = Math.cos(angle);
   double sin = Math.sin(angle);
   double nx = x * cos - z * sin;
   double ny = y;
   double nz = x * sin + z * cos;
   return new Point3D(nx,ny,nz);

Point3D rotateZ(double angle) {
   double cos = Math.cos(angle);
   double sin = Math.sin(angle);
   double nx = x * cos + y * sin;
   double ny = - x * sin + y * cos;
   double nz = z;
   return new Point3D(nx,ny,nz);

Exercise 4: Perspective Projection of a tetrahedron

Tetrahedron construction:

Figure makeTetrahedron() {
      Point3D a = new Point3D(0,0,0);
      Point3D b = new Point3D(0,1,1);
      Point3D c = new Point3D(1,0,1);
      Point3D d = new Point3D(1,1,0);

      Polygon[] faces = new Polygon[4];
      faces[0] = makeTriangle(a,b,c);
      faces[1] = makeTriangle(a,b,d);
      faces[2] = makeTriangle(b,c,d);
      faces[3] = makeTriangle(c,a,d);
      return new Figure(faces);

Exercise 5: Scaling

public void zoomIn(double distance) {
   ZOOM += distance;
   EYE.z += distance;

public void zoomOut(double distance) {
   ZOOM -= distance;
   EYE.z -= distance;

Exercise 6: Translation

Point3D translate(double xofs, double yofs, double zofs) {
   return new Point3D(x + xofs, y + yofs, z + zofs);
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