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I'm a professor (Belgian terminology "hoogleraar") at the Software Languages Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Since academic year 2019-2020, I'm also the programme chair of our Bachelor in Computer Science.


Coen De Roover

Coen De Roover
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculteit WE - DINF - SOFT
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Elsene

Office: 10F747
Telephone: +32 2 629.34.92
Fax: +32 2 629.35.25
Twitter: @CoenDeRoover


The central theme of my research is the design of program analyses, and their application to problems in software quality:

Current research projects:
CRPF: Cybersecurity Research Program Flanders
Strategic Basic Research, Programme Funding EWI, large consortium of PIs from KULeuven, UGent, IMEC, VUB, Responsible for research line on static and dynamic application security testing, 2024-2028
BaseCamp Zero: Towards Zero-Touch Testing
Strategic Basic Research Flanders, FWO SBO, additional PI: Serge Demeyer (Universiteit Antwerpen), 2022-2026
EcoPipe: Energy Consumption Optimization in Pipeline Architectures
Strategic Basic Research Brussels, Innoviris Joint R&D, with company Zensor, additional PI: Wolfgang De Meuter and Joeri De Koster (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), 2023-2025
APAX: Automated Posture Analysis that Scales
Strategic Basic Research Flanders, VLAIO CS ICON, with companies LSEC, Awingu, Ceeyu, Toreon, additional PI: Johan Loeckx (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), 2022-2024

My group has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in the domain, and has been actively involved in collaborative research projects of a fundamental, strategic, or applied nature. Do reach out in case you are interested in a collaboration!

Looking for someone in particular? As of January 1st 2025, my group counts the following members:
Bram Vandenbogaerde, Camilo Velázquez-Rodríguez, Cindy Wauters, Gilles Coremans, Jens Van der Plas, Laurent Christophe, Maarten Vandercammen, Noah Van Es, Ruben Opdebeeck, Sander Huyghebaert, Sarah Verbelen, Valeria Pontillo, Yunior Pacheco Correa


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